MY FELLOW GAMERS!!!!! · 9:13pm Dec 17th, 2014
Some of you may have heard of the infamous Anita Sarkeesian, the feminazi who has become well known on the internet for her double standards, backwards views and contradictory "arguments". Someone who claims to fight for women's right's yet belittles any who disagree with her (as well as other feminists), and is quite sexist herself (towards both men and women).
Anita Sarkeesian has been hired by DICE to assist in development of Mirrors Edge 2. This is without a doubt one of the most ridiculous things to happen in the gaming community in recent years. Not only does Sarkeesian have no background or experience that would qualify her for such a position but she has already begun to butcher the design of the game, even going so far as to demand a separate control system designed specifically for women because she believes that women need a simpler control scheme... yeah, let that sink in for a second.
There's currently a petition going around to try and voice out against her involvement in the development, and I urge any reading this to sign, just as I have. It may not change anything now, but it may at least show that Sarkeesian does not speak for the gaming community as she claims.
Video on the topic buy ReviewTechUSA:
Some Evidence of Sarkeesian's bullshit arguments:
Well thank you
Signed. I may be a woman, but Sarkeesian doesn't represent our gender, nor does she represent gaming!