• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen June 16th


Who am I? Just a guy who's a writer for fun. Profile pic drawn by the user Sweetstrokes

More Blog Posts174

  • 310 weeks
    Hey guys

    Been a loooooooong time since I made a blog post. Well, I'd like to say somethings to anyone who might still be reading. I've mostly moved on from MLP writing. Its highly unlikely I'll be finishing any of the stories I've left since my last blog post. However: I post very frequently in the (not so) cynical creators

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    0 comments · 309 views
  • 404 weeks
    "Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting some one else to die"

    Means a lot coming from a man who hit his wife, "Dad":ajbemused:

    10 comments · 416 views
  • 406 weeks
    Pokemon Sun and Moon!

    Well... Moon, specifically. Yeet!

    2 comments · 374 views
  • 407 weeks
    Give em the B.O.M.P.


    0 comments · 293 views
  • 408 weeks
    Ugh this one guy

    I appear to have made an enemy. Some dick calling himself the castaway pariah keeps trying to bait and harass me. I've been called Faggot. Shitbag. Meat head and my personal favorite "Salad tossing Messiah"

    22 comments · 501 views

I need inspiration! · 9:01pm Dec 7th, 2014

Soo.... I have no idea what I want to do for Christmas. The only Idea I have is a look at Shadow Strike's backstory and talk about horn valley. So for now... Here's a list of theme songs I made for my OCs

Shadow Strike: Short Change Hero-The Heavy
Cocoonis: Rules of nature-Metal gear rising OST
Larvirus/northern hive: Hell in the Headspace-Miracle of Sound
Malware: Digital Shadow-Miracle of sound
Biotech: City of night-Miracle of Sound
Phlegethon: Let the Sparks fly- thousand foot crutch
Cocytus: Let it go (Subject to change)
Long Shot: Angel with a shotgun-The Cab
Blitzkrieg: Circus for a Psycho-Skillet
Zayneth: You give love a bad name- Bon Jovi (Couldn't think of anything better :/)

Report Fossil-Dragon-Messiah · 186 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

for Christmas I am going to give my avatar/OC some Christmas pancakes. (he loves pancake)
*shhh* don't tell him,

2639025 I know isn't it a good idea. :rainbowlaugh:

Hmm, maybe his first Hearts Warming Eve?

2639183 Perhaps. But Shadow Strike has been in Equestria for ten years, Writing his first hearths warming eve would be like writing an entirely different character.

2639187 That would probably be better. OH! I got it! You guys'll just have to wait for christmas to see what I've got planned :ajsmug:

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