OC Redesigned/Srory Deleted · 11:22am Dec 3rd, 2014
Hey there everyone! I'm posting a blog at an ungodly hour again!!
I actually have some relevant news for first time in like, three months
Let's get down to it then, shall we?
Firstly, I have almost completely redesigned my OC, Nightingale. He's no longer the quiet guy who's basicly me in pony form. He's now a much more well designed character with a bit more history, and personality. I also finally thought up a cutiemark for him, and it only took me a year and a half to do it!
I'm going to try my hand at doing my own drawing of him with all of his redesigns and a new description of him with a brief history, at which point I'll post a new blog to show him off
On a related note: My story, "Clear Skies, Clouded Hearts", no longer exists.
I decided to abandon the story due to the fact that it had such a poor plot and was pretty bland. Also the redesign of Nightingale also meant that he no longer fit the role for the story. I hope to write a revamped debut story for him over winter break. Just something simple, 1-3 chapters most likely. It'll basically just flesh out his personality and maybe help me build the foundation for larger story later on
Well, that's all for now. If you'll excuse me, FarCry 4 is calling my name
Later haters
Far Cry 4 ftw!
I just unlocked the Buzzsaw LMG. It's basically an MG42 on steroids!!!
Hey you got it
It's a complete beast. I'm practically just raping all of Pagan's soldiers
It's got a 200 round belt magazine and can kill a heavy trooper with four shots. Fuckin' OP
Sounds like fun ^^