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More Blog Posts16

  • 374 weeks
    ...Im Back


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  • 420 weeks

    I'm... Not... Dead... Yet
    I'm still around. But it's just me now. I'm all alone in the hell called Solo Writer... And I have no plans to die yet.

    Just a little longer, and you'll see... An update for one of my stories...
    I promise...

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  • 467 weeks
    All Projects Hold!

    Big things are happening in our group. Not all of them good... In fact, most are bad. We aren't dealing with it the best we can, and this has greatly delegated our attention to not properly delegating our attentions.

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  • 472 weeks
    Apologies and Explanations

    Many things to be included in this blog.

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  • 475 weeks
    That Makes Two!

    So, we managed to get a second blog up this time on time(for the most part) and we have a lot to load into this one, so bear with us.
    First off! We have three complaints about the progression rates of our stories.

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Little Confused... And Poor Criticism. · 12:24am Nov 29th, 2014

It intrigues us... We've had some people contact us privately, putting forward votes for some of our Potential Story Ideas. Normally, this isn't grounds for intrigue... Unless we've got more votes than we do actual followers.
All you out there who are favoriting our story, we thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, but forgive us if we send an interrogation about who you are; we don't bother to check the favorite listing because, frankly, we're lazy.
Aside from that, our newest idea, Flying Through a Hole, actual has a potential to be released far sooner than we had anticipated. This pleases us. Continue to please us. It feels nice.
The story, if you've found out via our main Profile Page, is a Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash story. It is not a slash or love story, not a clop or suggestive story, it just focuses on the two. Of course, other characters will be involved. Other than the main focii of characters, we're keeping the full synopsis and summary heavily ambiguous. This is on purpose. It's necessary for the story's progression and plot.
In regards to our current story, Breaking Standards, things are moving along. Just slowly. The assigned writer does not prioritize this story as their Life properly takes precedence. If you're interested in the progress of the story, again, just check our main Profile Page. The story is our Main Focus, so we will try, to the best of our abilities, to get it updated as fast as we can.
Now, overall, we're not necessarily experienced writers as a whole. Some of us are fairly experianced and write very frequently whilst others are just starting their writing careers. We don't mind criticism, we welcome it actually, but we ask that if you feel the necessity to critique, keep it reasonable, relevant, and intelligent.
There was already an incident where a reader unloaded a full page's worth of criticism that was unfounded and unfair. Here is the comment so you can see the ridiculousness:

I think the first chapter gave me enough information to form an opinion on this story.
In the opening you switch tense so often it hurts to read, and this recurs every now and then throughout the first chapter.
Your protagonist is boring and uninspired as hell. He literally has no flaws whatsoever, and your attempts at doing this through crippling him are resolved a few paragraphs later. His personality is shallow, he's unrelatable and I'd even dare to go so far as to call him a Mary Sue. Because he's shallow and seemingly has no faults. You try to make him relatable whilst he's a cripple, but since there has been no buildup to make him relatable it falls flat on its face.
Your grammar is subpar, although the spelling is alright. Might want to get a proofreader or something to fix that.
Your chemobabble pissed me off, because most of it is nonsensical as hell. Almost nothing is explained properly and you just throw chemicals at the reader. For example: you mention both Chlorine and Hydrofluoric Acid. You never mention them again and it's as if they're only there to make things seem more scientific.
I'm not even going to start on your use of radiation, it's confusing and so unscientific it made me die a little on the inside.
In conclusion: I didn't enjoy your story, I found the protagonist to be a boring Mary Sue, the grammar to be subpar and the attempts at chemobabble to be more annoying than impressive.

Now, if you haven't read the story, Breaking Standards, yet, it would seem reasonable. For those who know the story, this is how our writer responded:

The first part is past-declarative tense. After the preface is a hop between past-progressive and present, so I understand how simpler readers may get disoriented from such; I will fix that, thank you for pointing it out.
Little was supposed to be revealed by him as more of the story is about his re-evolution back into another person. His lack of flaws presently, are meant for later development, nothing I can really do to fix that without shattering the rest of the planning for the story. The crippling of his body was a precursor, remained unresolved for now because he truly never did get healed yet. His mind, in context, is somewhere else. As I have revealed extremely little about his insights, personality, morals, and situational preferences, your claim of "Shallow Personality" is unfounded. As this is only the first chapter, nothing yet has been explored and foundations are barely being put in place. Please be patient with other writers after this, Thank you.
The fact of him being "unrelatable" was intentional as it places the ground for future antagonists and trials for the Main Character. You are correct in the lack of build-up for his familiarity because none was placed. Again, as a ground setter for future trials and tribulations.
Nothing I can comment about my grammar or mechanics. Syntax, maybe, as I know that I sometimes hobble around on Formal and Stream-of-Consciousness. I'm working on that; I'm a young writer. I do have one proofreader, but I load them all too much with other Original Pieces I have. That fault is mine.
The "Chemobabble" is all true as I have a Chemical background, particularly in Pharmaceutical Synthesis. I thought I simplified it enough to avoid that, but it's apparent that I was wrong. But I did put them in to add to the MC's Chemical Dexterity and make the reader feel a little left out as it was part of a realm of science outside of common knowledge.
Allow me to explain: Chlorine can be used as a catalyst, which is an assist in creating solutes: a blend of two or more chemicals. Hydrochloric Acid, in this case, was used as a suspension fluid, common amongst other Pharmaceuticals, for two other compounds I didn't mention as they have names that are irrelevant and confusing to read, even to me.
As for the radiation, again; Pharmaceutical Necessity. Many Time-sensitive drugs and vaccines require a focused dose of particle stimulant to drive heavier parts of the drug away from active enzymes to prolong the "travel/shelf". The way I applied it was heavily unorthodox, but not unheard of in my profession.
Thank you for your opinion; they are the lifeblood for writers everywhere after all. I'm sorry you grew impatient with the MC's development and decided to not give him a fair chance. No comment on grammar; I am a Pharmacist, used to short-handing like crazy; I understand, and I apologize for that. And the "chemobabble"(Would you mind if I used that word regularly? It's a good slang word for this), although confusing to you, is necessary.
Thank you for your input!

Enjoying the mini-story of the blog we have up already? Fun.
As stated, Criticism Welcome! Ignorant Trolling and Foolishness is not. But it's still funny so we'll leave it if it happens to find its way there. We'll just make you look just as silly as the poor sap who decided to grace us with their tiny scrotum and undeveloped neural processes.
That's the end of this retardedly long blog. Hasta la Bye Bye! Tally-Ho! Sayonara! 'Til next time! Cheerio! Do Svidaniya! All that jazz...
See you next Friday,
...Or this coming up Monday, seeing how close we are to posting another Story.

Report TheGlitchInTheMatrix · 192 views · Story: Breaking Standards ·
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