• Member Since 2nd Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 3rd, 2020

jazzie366 FLUFFKIN

eyy b0ss ken i habe a pizzapls?

More Blog Posts299

  • 463 weeks
    I Just Realized

    I'm at 160 followers, milestone time!
    Thanks for following me, now one thing I'd like to know though is why did you all follow me in the first place?

    1 comments · 424 views
  • 472 weeks
    DJing on PonyvilleFM Once Again for Legends of Equestria

    9:30 EST I'll be live, rip me being able to sleep in tomorrow.

    0 comments · 603 views
  • 479 weeks
    I'm Behind On Episodes

    Currently watching ep 22.
    When I saw the Bob Ross impression I lost my shit.

    1 comments · 434 views
  • 481 weeks
    Just Got A New Car Hype

    It's a 2003 Buick Century Custom.
    It has under 100k miles.
    So why did I choose this car?
    It has a massive V6 engine I plan on putting a supercharger on at around 15lbs boost.
    Plus it has the premium stereo in it so it sound nice af, but of course I'm adding subwoofers and pro audio speakers with silicone tweeters cause I'm a crazy fuckwad.

    Read More

    4 comments · 427 views
  • 483 weeks
    Rocky Horror Play

    At a rocky horror play with a big V on my head cause its better than telling my dad I aint no virgin.

    0 comments · 370 views

My Car Exploded! - I Need Help Please! · 4:13am Nov 17th, 2014

Hello to all who read this. I had a very bad day today. My 1967 Nissan Patrol's water/coolant pump decided to explode on me today. There are around 500 of these rare cars left in the USA, and i can't find parts ANYWHERE! It literally went down like this: I go in after fixing an oil seal (i had to HAND CRAFT the oil seal) I start the car, seems fine, no leaks, so i turn it off. I change the oil, clean the carburetor and add a few lights. Everything went fine. So i decided to drive it around the building a few times. The second i start the car, it starts leaking, and i didn't know, halfway around the buiding (20 feet) half a gallon of coolant comes out, and i am oblivious. I come back around, and i park it, it's smoking like crazy and i'm freaking out. I open the hood and water is coming out of the pump like a fucking fountain. I had the pump rebuilt a year before, this was EXPENSIVE! 300$ for it to be rebuilt, the bearings were 80$ EACH!! Then seals, labor, and lots of bullshit. It didn't leak one bit, and now it's fucked, due to it's old age. I cannot find one pump for this goddamn car, and i need this car, it's my bae. Please, i'm begging anyone to help me, i really need this, ANY info is helpful. Thanks!

Report jazzie366 FLUFFKIN · 147 views ·
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