Anyone interested in an RP site, let me know. · 10:45pm Nov 7th, 2014
A long time ago in a basement far, far... well, okay not that far, more like two blocks down from where I currently live, I was a guy heavily into forum RP. Bleach was my particular favorite setting to RP in but I did a little of everything and it was a lot of fun, kind of an outlet for my creative needs before I got to writing fanfiction.
However I've never forgotten the fun I've had with forum RP and even have done some on FiMFiction before the ban on such activities around here (in particular I had a lot of fun with some Fallout Equestria roleplay). So when a friend of mine has mentioned he's got an RP forum that he's a part of that could use more members, I think I'd be more than happy to hop over there to try my hand at some pony-related RP again, and am throwing this blog post up in case any of you fine folks out there also happen to be interested in checking it out. The site is right over here.
I might try getting some FoE related RP going, or even something grounded in the Lunaverse, the other AU I write for. Or I could get up to some crossover shenanigans. Like i said, I loved the Bleach anime/manga and RP'd that setting a lot, so why not mix it up with pony? Either vanilla MLP or even mixing it up with FoE might be fun.
You can probably count me in, I love me some RP's.
RPG, or just normal, I had a lot, a lot of fun with the Maretroplis one on, but I'm not sure that's going to revive any time soon (I hope so, I want to get back in there).
We could always try making something similar on this new forum too. I'm currently debating whether I want to do a crossover RP with Bleach, or Super Robot Wars. Both are series near and dear to me that I've long considered mixing up with MLP at some point, so right now I'm just trying to decide how I'd go about doing it. A part of me wants to set it in just normal, modern MLP, but my undying love of FoE tends to gravitate me towards wanting to mix it up with that too. Perhaps I'll dabble in both, but then which would fit better do you think with which setting? Giant fighting robots in modern MLP or post-apocalyptic Fallout Equestria? Or perhaps the battles between death gods and supernatural horrors from Bleach fitting in with the normal show or our beloved Wasteland?
Decisions, decisions....
Honestly, do whatever you want, personally, I'm reading up on Roleplaying is Magic, which is an RPG meant to emulate the show, because I really kinda just want to do a normal Equestrian type thing, since we're still waiting on season five.
Looks kind of cool. I'm partial to my Ponyfinder, as its a system I'm already familiar with, but I can see even at a quick glance how this system here is designed from the ground up to really fit the themes and feel of the show.
I was probably gonna look for some people to do it over IRC, like I do right now with FoE, maybe we could get an overlapping story going like was originally intended.
I've been a gamer for a very long time, so I would totally be up for giving something like this a try, even if I'm not a big fan of Fallout Equestria. But you're a very good writer, and I would have a blast being involved in some RP that you're involved in.
Obsidian Pony that made the Maretropolis group is the owner of this new forum, and they have a Maretropolis sub forum where they still play those games
Hello, Market here and one of the Admins from the new OC Roleplay(after the ban anyway) group that dear old Doomande spread info about, such as through this fella. Making of new thread ideas is encouraged, and so is getting more people to join. It's meant to be a freeform MLP site in general, so don't feel that there is any specific theme one would have to adapt to other than MLP in general. Do take the time to read the rues in the site we're at, but also give this spot a chance:
This is the link to our general purpose chat. It's definitely a big part of the group as the core group of Admins and other regulars can be found there, myself included. So it makes discussing in near-real time convenient(if you can get it to work. The chat does have it's ups and downs to be fair.)
Well then, if there's Maretroplis there, consider me there, I never got a chance to be Maredrake.
Just Grey Hat.
Will Lighning Dust and/or Prince Blueblood appear in the next and future installments of Legionnaires of Equestria?
Hmm, good question. Part of my planning for the second book involves setting up a larger cast, including a few more show characters. I hadn't yet set in stone who, but I can certainly consider those two as possibilities.