• Member Since 11th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 21st, 2018


I watch Doctor Who, Sherlock, and a show called Studio C. I love Les Miserables and The Phantom of the Opera, and read Percy Jackson, Septimus Heap, and many other books.

More Blog Posts17

  • 533 weeks
    Little Amy's Problems (Other than therapy)

    SO, I was watching the Eleventh Hour, when I thought of something. I wondered about a few things. First off, how much trouble did little Amy get in when her aunt came home to find the shed destroyed? Did she get in trouble at all? Second, how much food did she have to clean up? I mean, he just spit it out. And then there's the fact that he broke a plate. I mean, HOW on earth did get out of that,

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  • 534 weeks
    Ten < Twelve

    SO random thought here, but I was just thinking that if the TARDIS just randomly appeared in front of me and the Twelfth Doctor stepped out, my first words to him would be, "As long as I'm hallucinating, can you go away and send Ten to me?" Because I love Ten more and Twelve is kinda crude and I don't know if he would help me with my schoolwork without complaining about how thick I am not to

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  • 537 weeks

    So when me and my sister were showing our parents the everything wrong with MLP videos, they didn't find it that great because, as they said, "It talks to fast for me to understand it." And we were just like whatever. But today I was scrolling through Deviantart because my concentration was short circuiting and I needed a break from school. So I was thinking about how the reason for them not

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  • 537 weeks
    Doctor Who: The Stage of Anxiety

    I'm currently wanting to curl up into a little ball and roll around the house. The reason for this would be THE PREVIEW FOR THE NEXT DOCTOR WHO EPISODE. I can't even.... Ugh. I feel like I'm going to need five cartons of ice cream.

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  • 537 weeks

    I need help. How do I survive in a world of Solangelo shippers? I can see friendship, but I don't ship them. If I was going to ship Nico with anyone, it would be Reyna. I'm not even totally sure about that, but it's better than Nico and Will. Fandom, why?!

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Intro to Literature · 8:53pm Oct 17th, 2014

So the teacher of my intro to lit class has a strange hobby. On weekends, she and her husband act in reenactments of revolutionary war era things, like towns and battles. So last week, she told us some stories about stupid questions and stuff she's been asked or seen people ask. These are priceless. So, going from least funny to funniest, here are the best ones. 'AHEM'
So in this first one, you have to have the setting first. It's the middle of winter, and it's 23 degrees Fahrenheit out. She's sitting out there dressed as a lady from colonial times with a bucket of washing. It's 23 degrees out, so it's frozen solid. Some guy walks up to her and asks "I was just wondering, did you take that bucket up to the visitors center and freeze it, then bring it back down for effect?"
No kidding. That's basically the whole story. Next story.
So one of the other people that do this is sitting out, and has some furs laying out. One of them is a really pretty fox fur. So a little kid and their mom walk by, and the kid reaches out and touches it. So the mom goes, "Don't touch that! They had to kill an animal to get that!" And so the person with the furs is quick on his feet and says, "Oh no, that's how we used to do it, but now we trap them, skin them, and let them go." And the lady says, kid you not, "Well I hope you've learned your lesson." And walks off.
Last one.
So there's this tent with furs, and it has paintings lining the walls. So this teacher, I'm fairly positive she had a class with her, walks in and sees a painting of a moose. So she points it out to the class, and asks, "I can't remember, how long does it take for a deer to turn into a moose?" And so the guy in the tent replies, "Oh, it takes a really long time. They have to be elk first." And the teacher say, "Oh that's right, I forgot."
These are all real stories. Hopefully our teacher will tell us more at some point.

Report Oswin · 275 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

wait do you know what her husband's name is because i had a teacher who had reenactment buddies and it would be really weird if they were part of the same group

2540206 I don't know first name, but to me he's Mr. Jarboe. Again, not sure about last name...

has she ever mentioned the name "slater"

2540261 No she hasn't. I can ask her friday. Does she do revolutionary war stuff?

no dont ask its ok

he does like ww2 stuff i think

2540285 Oh, they probably wouldn't know each other then. They do colonial era and 1700-1800 stuff.

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