• Member Since 29th May, 2012
  • offline last seen May 19th, 2013

A mess

More Blog Posts4

  • 616 weeks
    Comming Soon! No.1 "A messy collection of stories" PLUS SNEAK PEEK!

    Though I do hope to get to work on "Why Won't You Trust Me?" before to long I wish to first post a series of shorts so that I can at least have something up and hopefully get me back in the writing groove.

    Title: A messy collection of stories

    Tags: Random*

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  • 633 weeks
    Stories I wish I would complete #1 "Why won't you trust me?" (part 1)

    I get lots of story ideas but can never seem to get enough off my plot to really get things going, for the most part I actually keep these stories to myself as I do dream of doing them some day as unlikely as that may be but this is one of those I think I will go ahead and share and maybe see what sort of feed back I can get, who knows, maybe if I get enough positive feed back I might actually do

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  • 640 weeks
    Just a blog for myself to keep track of stories

    Yeah if someone is reading this, this particular blog post is actually more just for me.
    Once and a while I get stories that I want to follow but not yet sure if I want to put them on my watch list but its also tiresome to have them cluttering my "read later" list so I made this so I can have easy access to the links in a convenient place.

    things that I am waiting for updates on

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  • 647 weeks
    I am "a mess"

    Well I am mostly a stalker.....
    I get story ideas now and again, some really good ones but lets just say I didn't choose my username at random.

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Just a blog for myself to keep track of stories · 12:08am Aug 3rd, 2012

Yeah if someone is reading this, this particular blog post is actually more just for me.
Once and a while I get stories that I want to follow but not yet sure if I want to put them on my watch list but its also tiresome to have them cluttering my "read later" list so I made this so I can have easy access to the links in a convenient place.

things that I am waiting for updates on

Twilight's gender conundrum


Doctor Who: The Equine Doctor

Heart's Desire


poison fangs and scaly tails

A celestial surrogate

but shes a pony

oh to be old agian


A Troll Through the Park

a celestial surrogate

I think I will also place stories that I am just taking my time reading through here as well so "read later" list can be saved just for stories I am still picking at to see if I am interested enough to follow or just discard them.

stories being read

Believing Stories

The Sun Whispers Your Name

Wild, Sweet & Cool

Broken Spirit

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