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Sky Blue CMC

"You're not a burden, my love" Simon comforted his partner, Prince Lucian. "You're all 7,634,420,069,142,002,387,487,862,912 stars in my sky, Luce. And I love how brightly you shine"

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I'm rewriting Cutie Mark Chaos! · 10:31am Sep 5th, 2014

Hello, everybrony who isn't SpiritOfMystery! And a special hello to everybrony else! This is the post I promised SOM: Sky Blue's Biography. When he/she reads it, he/she will write a story based on it. Then my story will have better leads.

Full Name: Sky Cloud Blue

Common Name: Sky

Age: 9 years.

Sex: Female.

Aspirations: Earn a Cutie Mark, win the heart of her crush, Flaming Thunder.

Coat Colour: Sky Blue (Duh!)

Mane/Tail Colours: Slightly darker Sky Blue and White.

Favourite Colour: Red.

Description: Sky Blue is a little cerulean blank flank filly from Cloudsdale. She recently moved to Ponyville, a town where she almost immediately found out that everypony knows everypony, except a few newcomers and visitors. She met four adventurous fillies there, including Babs, who was just visiting. The four claimed to be the "Cutie Mark Crusaders" and offered her a spot in the group. On one condition: she had to win a race against Scootaloo! She lost, but was invited for her heart and determination. Thus the crusade begun!

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