• Member Since 12th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen October 4th


I am a girl who got into My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 7 years ago. And I've finally decided to try and write fanfics, so...yeah. That's about it. If you ever want to talk feel free to PM me.

More Blog Posts32

  • 333 weeks

    So, I've been thinking about writing a novel, though I'm having trouble coming up with an idea that I like. If anyone has any ideas they'd like to share, or any stories they always wanted to read, then I'd love to hear them. I'd prefer any ideas, at least for a novel, to be non-MLP, but I'll still take MLP ideas. There's no reason I wouldn't be able to use them for stories here. :twilightsmile:

    2 comments · 372 views
  • 354 weeks
    Story Requests?

    So, the next two stories that I want to get written are kinda complicated. One is a poem and I'm having trouble getting it started since I'm a bit of a perfectionist. And the second requires a lot of intricate research into the concept of infinite chess (yes, it's a real thing, look it up if you don't believe me:twilightsmile:), as well as actually playing a game of it against myself which is

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    18 comments · 410 views
  • 357 weeks
    Weird Realization - Spiders vs. Beetles

    So, about an hour and a half ago, I walked into my bathroom and saw a huge, blood red beetle in the middle of the floor. I panicked and sent a picture to my friend since she's really into animals of all kinds and asked her if it was poisonous (I know, crazy, but I'd never seen a beetle that was this color before). She told me she didn't think it was and to just kill it with something big and

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    9 comments · 401 views
  • 358 weeks
    Random, But Hilarious

    So, just now I was messing around with a random title generator, since I haven't had too much luck starting my next story. I thought maybe one of the titles it gave me would help me get started. But it gave me this: Two Cold-blooded Uncles Singing to the Beat

    I just can't, like, what???:rainbowhuh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

    2 comments · 332 views
  • 358 weeks
    Return, Kinda

    Not sure if anyone even still pays attention to me anymore since I'd kinda disappeared for so long. I never really left, I just stuck to only reading other people's stuff. I'm kinda considering/wondering about maybe writing some more stuff. Don't know if anyone would like that or not, so if you see this, opinions would be appreciated!:twilightsmile:

    11 comments · 356 views

Worst 24 Hours of My Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! · 6:36pm Sep 1st, 2014

(Warning: contains me ranting about personal problems, and friendship problems.)

Okay, I have pretty much no idea where to begin, so I'll start with last night. I went to bed at 11 p.m. like I usually do, but instead of sleeping through the night like I would normally, I wake up at 1:30 a.m. I turn on the fan in my dorm, and then get back into bed. After spending the next two hours trying to get to sleep, I finally manage to drift off again around 3:40 a.m. Unfortunately, I was stupid enough to forget that today was Labor Day and that I didn't have classes, so my alarm went of at 5:15 which woke me up again. I turn it off, and get back into bed yet again. Half an hour later at 5:45 I wake up again. This time because I feel like I have to vomit.

I drag myself out of bed and crouch over the toilet, retching for two hours until I finally give up and get back into bed. Seeing as I still feel sick, I can't get back to sleep, so I watch a couple episodes of MLP:FIM on my iPad to distract my mind from my stomach. Once my stomach calms down enough that I feel like I won't vomit I get up and shower. By the time I get around to eating breakfast it's 10:30. Since I only got like 4 hours of sleep, I drink 3 cups of coffee with my toast.

Not long after I finish eating my friend calls, and says she wants to talk about some problems she's been having. We'd been friends since middle school, so I decide it's only fair that I at least listen to what she wants to talk about even though I'm so tired. In freshman year of high school she'd told me that she had been depressed since the age of six, but refused to elaborate any more when I asked her about it back then. Of course she had to choose today to answer all those questions I'd had. She takes about two hours to explain that not only has she been depressed since she was six, but that she wasn't even supposed to have been born. Her parents accidentally had her 10 months after giving birth to her older brother. They never wanted her, so they treated her fairly poorly. She told me that she'd been seriously contemplating suicide since she was 9, and that she only had about an hour of happiness every day. This hour was spent entirely on the bus to and from school, and she said it made her happy because everyone left her alone.

After telling me all this, she's nearly in tears. I, however, rather than comfort her, snap. I yell at her, saying that I hate having to listen to hear bitch and moan about how horrible her life is after the night I'd just had, and that I didn't care. Then I hung up. It kinda took me a minute to realize what I'd just done, but when I do, I hate myself for it. Everything I'd said wasn't true. I was just fed up with lack of sleep coupled with feeling like vomiting. I try to call back and apologize twice, but she doesn't answer either time. I left a message detailing my apology and also sent a text saying the same thing. She still hasn't answered.

Since 1:30 p.m., I've been slamming my head against the wall and cursing my impulsive stupidity. Now I have a massive headache, a friend who hates me, I hate myself, and I still feel sick. So, if you've made it this far, I thank you, and I would also like to ask for your advice. If you can help me figure out what to do, I'd really appreciate it. I'm a horrible person. :facehoof:

Report 2006midnight · 408 views ·
Comments ( 29 )

2420019 *hugs back* Thank you:fluttercry:

Ya'll best show up at her house and apologise :ajbemused: Before she does something that'll well....increase the guilt ten fold.

2420050 I'd love to, but we're attending college in different states and the next chance I'll have to see her is Thanksgiving. :flutterrage:

2420100 Well then.....try your hardest to get in touch with her. Someone with that fragile of mental state can do some pretty nasty things to themselves. Especially when they try to reach out to someone and get shouted at for it.

Ya dun' goofed....badly.

2420208 Yeah, I know. I'll see if I can get one of my other friends to persuade her to talk to me.


Sad people make me sad. I'm sorry that your day has been horrible, in that place I probably would have been that friend. Depression is a sad thing. :fluttercry:

2420241 I'm sorry that I made you sad.:fluttercry: Yes, depression is an extremely sad thing, and I can't believe I was so STUPID!:facehoof::facehoof::twilightoops::twilightangry2::flutterrage:

2420244 Well that's what I was like for my vacation in 2012.

Aww poor u !!! Don't worry ! It's a simple mistake!!! What u need to do, and I mean it, is go, get some chocolate or other junk food that u love, lie in a comfy sleepy position on the sofa, and watch your fav film/show. Then, you my fall alsleep. Also get some fresh air and take some calpol. It's doesnt matter if you're way to old for calpol, just take it. And try to vomit, or go to the toilet and try to .... Take a big.... Crap. Then, when you're better, and have had a nap, go to your friend, WITH A GIFT, and explain it all and apologise.also say, if u want we can talk about , Ill be listening, I'm sorry about my despicable, horrible rudeness before! And if you're friend doesn't accept your apology, say, "I know, I guess it's" then play the song , Too late to apologise, it too laaaaatttee!!! And she might laugh and forgive u ! Then be happy coz you're all good now, and carry on with life! Also, if u have a furry pet or special cuddly toy, snuggle up with them! Don't worry, it's be ok!!! Good luck!!! Life sucks sometimes but I know u can get through it!! *hugs* go to her! Go to her!!!!! Anyways, soz this was so long, hope I helped :heart::pinkiesmile:

2420247 Like my friend? I'm so sorry! :twilightoops:

2420250 Wow, thanks for taking the time to be so detailed! I'll do my best to do what you said.:twilightsmile:

2420261 it's ok! Anything to help! And good luck! :twilightsmile:

2420325 Thanks! I'll probably have to mail the gift along with a letter rather than going to her personally since we're at opposite ends of the U.S.:twilightblush:

2420377 oh. Shame. But don't worry, it'll be ok!

2420395 Yeah, but I can do it again personally at Thanksgiving when I see her. :scootangel:

2420403 then again, she may be wait if u wait till then, but I hope u become friends again soon

2420411 Well, that's why I'm going to send a gift and an apology letter through the mail tomorrow. That way maybe she'll be at least willing to call me. It's a gamble, but it's the best idea I've got.:twilightsheepish:

2420417 I think it's a good plan! Hope it goes ok!

2420429 Thanks! I hope so too!

2420446 np:twilightsmile: and r u feeling ok? Still feel sick?

2420478 Not so much anymore. Just tired from only getting 4 hours of sleep. :ajsleepy:

2420484 yeah, I understand! It's good u feel better now

2485547 She responded, but she didn't forgive me yet:fluttercry:

Sorry about your friend!:fluttershbad:

2485953 Yeah, I always do and so do all of my other friends. This one....is different.:facehoof:

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