• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 18th, 2021


U.N. Owen Was Her? ↑

More Blog Posts135

  • 162 weeks
    Where To Find Me

    Greetings fillies and gentle colts of Ye Olde Fimfiction!

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    5 comments · 249 views
  • 374 weeks

    I forgot I never finished publishing my stories even though Committee is all written... I'll do that for y'all sorry (I don't even remember a lot of what happens in this story it's been so long but shruggie I hope you guys enjoy it)

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    7 comments · 588 views
  • 474 weeks
    FAQ of questions nobody asked

    If I'm back I might as well reintroduce myself with random questions nobody cares for but I still feel like answering
    Q: best pony?
    A: still Twilight, nothing's changed

    Q:... Who are you?

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    13 comments · 617 views
  • 474 weeks
    Possibly to be more active??

    I didn't intend for this to happen
    I kinda forgot how fun the site was so I might be coming back sorta. Not gonna be mega active but I'm always up for an excuse to ignore school. Writing is fun and I feel bad leaving everyone on a cliffhanger for like a year so I owe you all that

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    3 comments · 318 views
  • 474 weeks

    This place is gathering dust eh?
    Sorry bout that
    Not sure the status on me getting fics done. As in idk if or when they'll be finished. Technically Committee *is* finished and it has been for a really long time but im too lazy to upload. Oopsie.

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    20 comments · 488 views

It's the end of an era · 12:45am Aug 24th, 2014

So ye I'm single as a pringle now
You can still ship Flansparce if u wanna tho
I'm not like sad or emotionally damaged or anything so you can talk to me about it if you wanna know more you don't have to spare my feelings or whatever
I'm past all of the crying and puking (though that mostly wasn't because of it)
It sucks that I came all the way down for Matsuricon and then drove back the next morning and never went to the con but I just could not function at all then I'm sorry 3:

Report FlanChan · 395 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Tell me about it in PM?

Awww. Sorry about that. :\
Wish you could have gone.

Also if you can get on skype briefly.

So what exactly happened?

2395219 Our mental handicaps prohibit us from making any IRL contact that seems productive to the relationship on both sides.

I'm a touchy schizophrenic.
She's quiet and not touchy at all.
Dat don't mix. Nothing inherently WRONG with having either trait. Just that it doesn't go well together. I owed my life to her, and the time has come for me to move on because she's not a sanctuary for my illness anymore and I can't supply the type of love and care she needs.

Wow that was in depth.

that made it sound sad :<

2395308 Sawwy. Also hey I left you a message on skype.

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