• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 25th, 2022


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  • 451 weeks

    Okay, I know I said two weeks. Thing is, we're working on selling our house, so that has put a major kink in my time. I swear I haven't forgotten you guys. Soon....

    Aside from that, however....

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    6 comments · 912 views
  • 457 weeks
    I Wonder...

    Do you think that Princess Ember will become a popular character?


    Dang. I've never seen anypony become that popular, that fast. And I have to admit, I'm in the same boat. I loved her and want more stories/art about her still. Even though every pony-related site is inundated with them right now.

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    6 comments · 503 views
  • 486 weeks
    That OTHER Thing I Do...

    Hey there!

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  • 487 weeks

    Not only is 600 twice as many as 300, it's what I will reach with ONE more follower.


    Seriously, WTH?

    I mean, I'm humbled. You guys are great and I appreciate that many people who are that interested in what I'm writing. Speaking of which...

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    1 comments · 464 views
  • 501 weeks
    Not THIS again...

    Hello all!

    Yes, this post is nothing but shameless self-promotion.

    I will be attending Libertycon in Chattanooga next weekend--June 26-28th--as a guest. If anyone is going to be there, let me know. I'd love to meet some of you face-to-face.

    That is all. You may now return to your regularly scheduled ponies.


    1 comments · 344 views

Another Departure · 5:04pm Aug 22nd, 2014

Well, another chapter of my life has closed.

If you have read past posts, you've read about my brother losing his leg just over a year ago. Well, this past weekend everything caught up to him and he also lost his life. He died of sudden kidney failure, with no sign of anything coming on before it hit.

He had been living in Chapala, Mexico, just wanting to find a beautiful place in the world to live out the rest of his life. It's odd to get a call from a U.S. Consulate to inform you of your brother's passing (and I did confirm his death through the emergency contact he gave me for down there). It feels...distant.

Also, making arrangements for a deceased in a foreign country is not fun. Language barriers make a challenge, and not being able to be there to handle things in person makes it worse. All I can do is hope that it will all work out.

I have one more thing to say, though: ENOUGH DEATH ALREADY!! I've lost my father, my mother-in-law, and now my brother in a space of eighteen months! I'm sick of all this death! Everyone stay healthy, dammit!

Thanks for listening.


Report Nom_deCheval · 357 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

My condolences.

You have my condolences

I am truly sorry for your losses, Nom. My own family has been going through the same this year, and it doesn't get any easier as the toll mounts.

I wish you well, and for what it's worth, am taking better care of myself now than I ever have!

Light and laughter,

I am very sorry to hear about your lose.

My condolences, man. I know it ain't easy. We're here for you if you need to talk.

My condolences. :( Please reach out if there is anything I, or any of us, can do to help.

I know how it feels. I lost my mother and first cousin (who I was close to) in the space of a year. I send my condolences.

Let me just say this. You're never going to get over it, but mourn as long as you need to. It's difficult, I know. You'll have moments where you'll just remember them and start crying, but time is what you need.

Very sorry to hear, Nom. My sincere condolences on these losses. *hugs*

This is sad news, May good health and good fortune find you and your family.

how does sudden kidney failure happen? doesn't seem like something the kidney would do.......

I'm so sorry for your loss. I couldn't understand what it would be like to lose my brother. We love you.

We're here if you need to vent or ask for translation help (Pretty sure there's a few folks around that speak Spanish) I'll see about starting up the group making sure any ill people are kept far from you for the forseeable future.:raritywink:

2399738 Actually, one benefit is that a dear friend of mine is a fluent spanish speaker. Sadly, she's not there for all the phone calls, so I'm trying to do as much as I can via email, so that has been helpful.

And thank you to everyone for the support. One of the reasons I posted this here was that I knew you folks would be supportive. It's amazing and it's wonderful.

Thank you all.


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