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  • Today
    Today's Delay Brought to You By Hacking Cough

    When it comes to fanfiction delays, accept no substitutes than the genuine, phlegm filled coughs and Nyquil induced comas from the same cold virus that brought you smash hits dry and sore throats and wheezing. In all seriousness, I am sorry to say it but the past week my progress on the next chapter has been slowed by a cold. I'm feeling better as of the weekend, but that means making up for lost

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  • 7 weeks
    Friendship Souls Chapter Next Week

    Hey folks, just letting everyone know I'm going to be taking another week on this next chapter for Friendship Souls. Ended up pulling a muscle in my back this last week that has made doing anything physical, even just sitting bent over a laptop or bluetooth keyboard a serious pain. While its healing up well enough, this still heavily slowed any progress I could make on writing. Let this be a

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  • 10 weeks
    Friendship Souls on Monday

    Hey folks, going to go ahead and take an extra couple of days on the next chapter. Its not quite where I want it to be at the moment, feel like there's more I can do to flesh it out with another day or two to work at it. As always, thanks for you patience, and hope you all have a good weekend.

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  • 17 weeks
    Friendship Souls on Wednesday

    Hello folks, just giving you all a heads up that due to a bit of a personal issue that's cropped up this past week I'm going to need a few extra days to finish up the next chapter. Nothing super serious, just unexpected happenings in real life demanding my attention, so no worries, just need a bit longer to complete this chapter. Anyhow, hope you folks have a good weekend and as always thank you

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  • 26 weeks
    Friendship Souls chapter next week.

    Hello folks. Unfortunately my work schedule the past couple of weeks has slowed down my writing a fair amount. With luck, the work burden will ease in the coming weeks, and I can play a bit of catch up. As such, the current chapter is about halfway done, but should be done by next Saturday. As always I appreciate you folks' patience.

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Some more Trigger pics, from Pantzar · 11:06pm Aug 21st, 2014

Hey everyone. Just recently commissioned a pair of pics from the very cool Pantzar, whose done many an Fallout Equestria pic.

First one is a somewhat, er, 'suggestive' pic of Binge and Longwalk.

Now, I don't really consider this spoilers or anything, but this is more like a teaser for chapter 19. This is pretty much the first scene that happens, and this shows the set up, but not the resolution, so consider this a bit of a preview. You'll have to wait a bit longer for the chapter to find out what happens. Does Longwalk get away? Does he want to get away? ~_^

The second pic is of a set of somewhat secondary characters.

Glint and his parents Hammerfall and Sunset. They're enjoying a little time off in the hangar bay of an Odessa airship, and Hammerfall his showing his boy how to not win in hoof-to-hoof combat. Glint is a tad aggravated. Sunset finds the antics amusing. I like this family. They basically represent in story the fact that the seemingly hard and uncompromising Odessa organization is still made up of flesh and blood ponies with families of their own to protect. I think Pantzar did a great job with them.

Comments ( 9 )

When will chapter 19 be done?

I'm hoping to get it done within the next week or two. Got about two or three more scenes to finish up, then go through editing to get all the errors me and Doomande can find. :twilightsmile:

2389481 After that, it goes through the readers and me:trollestia: I am you could say, the doom of... Well, Doom:trollestia:

Heh, but we love you for it. :yay: I think Doom's mentioned more than once that I ought to just ask you to be a prereader as well, though I've always had the impression you kind of enjoy catching the errors that slip past us once the chapter goes up.

2389786 Heh, it's more of an ingrained habit nowadays anyway. I also have a personal system to make the errors a little more eye friendly than just line after line of errors if it gets too long.

I don't mind being a prereader at all since most of my other... 'clients' haven responded in quite some time. I still have a few responding don't get me wrong but I guess you could say that they're infrequent with the replies.

I'm making this sound more complicated aren't i?:facehoof:

Not at all. :twilightsmile: You preread for folk, but some of those folk you haven't heard from in awhile, and even those you do hear from you don't hear from frequently. If you do want to preread for Trigger just let me know, I can link you to the gdoc.

2389860 Hmm... Lemme look at my schedule for the one being...

FREE-ish. Minus any personal obligations when they come up

Hmm... Yeah, I think I'm open:pinkiecrazy:

Dawwww! They are both great pieces :twilightsmile:
Its still on my reading list... still there... I will get to it eventually!

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