What happened to that whole "story" thing. · 9:03am Aug 17th, 2014
Dear Smoothkurz,
Your story xxXX420dankit679turndown4whutXXxx has failed moderation on FimFiction for the following reason: This story, as it has been submitted, is not considered to be related to the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic universe. As a general rule, if you can sub out a few names or vocabulary terms from your story and be unable to tell that it’s a My Little Pony fanfic, it is not considered to be related enough. If you have plans to add chapters in the future which will more closely connect this story to MLP, please be sure to have those published before resubmitting.
So I doubled the word count, tripled the ponies, and quadrupled the weed.
Hopefully this is enough for good ol' Shadowflash.
I await with open arms and a stretched anus