• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 4th, 2023


A guy with too much time on his hands. Enjoys writing and over-analyzing things.

More Blog Posts109

  • 433 weeks

    So for those of you following my latest story, I just wanted to let everybody know that the next chapter will be delayed a bit for three reasons:

    1. It's basically the climactic chapter, so it'll take longer to put together.

    2. This Monday I leave on vacation and probably won't be able to get much writing done.

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    2 comments · 962 views
  • 476 weeks
    Okay so here's what's up.

    1. I have the first chapter of a new thing up. I've had the idea literally bouncing around in my head for years and I figured I'd finally try to write it. It's not a super-complicated project or anything, but I figured I'd try something new after my other story was suffering writer's block.

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  • 505 weeks
    Chapter 3

    Yeah, just letting everybody know I got the first draft done. Will hopefully have it up in the next few days.

    In the meantime, have this:

    1 comments · 1,024 views
  • 506 weeks
    Yes, I'm still alive.

    Sorry for the delay. The next chapter ended up being longer than I anticipated. It's nearing completion, it's just taking some extra time. At least you'll be getting more content after the wait.

    Have this while you wait for me to finish it up.

    0 comments · 771 views
  • 513 weeks

    The first draft of chapter 2 is finally done and undergoing editing. If anybody wants to help proofread, PM me or something.

    Eesh, this one was rough for some reason.

    0 comments · 615 views

Chapter 34-2 · 1:18am Aug 17th, 2014

Yeah, so the rewrite is complete, and currently in the editing phase. Hopefully it'll be up in the next few days. Sorry for taking so long.

Report JapaneseTeeth · 577 views · Story: A Delicate Balance ·
Comments ( 6 )

Looking forward to it! Is pinky going to throw a they're getting hitched party? Will they find a use for all that cheese? I cannae wait much longer t.t

Re-write? I think I am forgetting something...

I for one am looking forward to it. taking your time shows that you want it to be the best that you can make it. I have no trouble waiting.

This is one of those story's wear the wait is worth it.
You take you'r time we will still be hear to read it.

Good things come to those who wait. That isn't always true in some cases but in the case of a good story like this one it is very true. To force a chapter would rob not only you of the joy in writing it but us of the joy in knowing it was what you wanted it to be fore us. /end attempt at thoughtful logic. :applejackconfused:

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