What's new real quick! · 8:17pm Aug 16th, 2014
Welp welp, I'm gonna be posting a shipfic very soon. I've been working on this for too long, mostly because I've been questioning my abilities when ever I write. Then I end up dropping it because I manage to convince myself that I'm complete shit at what I'm doing even though I know that's not the case. Once I've gotten over what I thought was true I come back to the blank google doc only to leave it once again for a quick match of Halo SWAT. SWAT! Any who, I'm not giving up on this, I'm a little too stubborn to just drop this.
On a side note, do any of you play Crusader Kings 2? If not that's cool, I wouldn't be surprised if no one knew, that game isn't that popular.
This is staying on my profile. Oh and *Hint* Hint*
It's just some french kissing.
I've been staring at that gif... for a long time now.