• Member Since 10th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen January 14th


More Blog Posts4

  • 479 weeks
    Tumbling Pillows

    So I'm making that ask blog I said I might do some time ago for Pillow Case and her friends.

    You can find it here

    I've worked on my ponying just for this. Here's a concept pic of Straw-B as a sample:

    [Human boyfriend sold separately]

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    4 comments · 725 views
  • 534 weeks
    The Summer Cycle

    Step 1: Check for fic updates
    Step 2: If any, read them, return to step 1.
    Step 3: If you see none, wonder why no one is updating
    Step 4: Remember you have several stories and drawing projects you need to work on
    Step 5: Try to think of what to write for one of them, and fail.
    Step 6: Try to forget about projects by returning to step 1.

    I think I need to try something different.

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    4 comments · 581 views
  • 581 weeks
    Well. That just happened.

    I just spent yesterday in a mildly indifferent state of surprise, driving myself mad watching in horrific fascination as the little red numbers on the top of the page ticked by like a stopwatch. It's almost like watching yourself explode in slow motion from a detached out of body state. My eyes kept darting to the larger-than-it-needs-to-be "Revoke Submission" button; a voice whispered "You can

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    7 comments · 864 views
  • 632 weeks
    Well. Here I am.

    Finally got my cover image done. Needs work, fixes, and a better artist than me, but it's good enough for now. Now to wait for my story to be approved. If it does I already have the next chapter ready and might post the third before moving to a weekly schedule. Here's hoping someone actually reads it.

    8 comments · 738 views

The Summer Cycle · 6:01pm Aug 8th, 2014

Step 1: Check for fic updates
Step 2: If any, read them, return to step 1.
Step 3: If you see none, wonder why no one is updating
Step 4: Remember you have several stories and drawing projects you need to work on
Step 5: Try to think of what to write for one of them, and fail.
Step 6: Try to forget about projects by returning to step 1.

I think I need to try something different.

EDIT: Within a day of making this post one of my FOE favs updates and before I finish reading it another longer one updates. Dammit.

Report Taffy · 581 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

I operate on a similar cycle. You can cut steps 4, 5 and 6 out of mine though.

Pretty much the same here, but as a non-writer, my 4-6 are roughly:

4. Check the front page for new stories to read
5. Check the groups of stories I liked for new stories to read
6. Return to step 1

I'm suffering from Pillow Case withdraw. Please... can we have some more? :fluttercry:

My Summer cycle:

1. Try to keep a regular update schedule
2. Fail
3. Read several long stories over the course of a month or so
4. Spend too much time on /mlp/
5. Inevitably end up taking 5 weeks or so to make one update of about 4000 words for one story.

Procrastination powers, activate!

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