I'm Back! · 6:24pm Aug 4th, 2014
I am now back from vacation, which was mostly like this:
Unless of course you consider eating a lot, mini-golf, and renting a jetski to be productive. But I'm back now, and am currently working on chapter 34. Again. It's going much more smoothly this time and will hopefully not take too long to finish. Thank you for your patience. Have a picture of Pinkie making a pass at herself:
Other Pinkie is not sure she appreciates this...
2343583 derpicdn.net/img/view/2014/2/27/562988__safe_solo_applejack_meme_animated_comic_image+macro_seizure+warning_vibrating_impact+font.gif
2343823 33.media.tumblr.com/e8d6114f8c26c2ba6ec0c2f5b5c395fb/tumblr_n548rnE7K41rn09mgo1_500.gif
"I think you and I both know that I'd hit that."