• Member Since 27th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 12th, 2017


More Blog Posts13

  • 527 weeks
    So, here's the thing with the stuff and such.

    Alright people who stalk me like there's no tomorrow. I'm sure you're all wondering a few things like:

    Oh God why is Aether back?
    Who's this asshole?
    Why didn't you stay dead?
    Why isn't he writing clop already?
    How come you haven't finished any of your big stories?!
    What were you even doing for a year?

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    20 comments · 2,057 views
  • 527 weeks
    Guess What Fimfiction?

    I'm baaaaaaaaack...

    17 comments · 785 views
  • 568 weeks
    I've Ran Out of Steam

    Hey guys, for those of you who don't know as of yet. Here's a picture for you all.


    If you guys are unable to view it, I'll just tell you. I've left MLP fanfiction writing.
    I'm sorry to disappoint, but after a year on /mlp/ and ten months here, I can finally say I've run out of steam.

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    18 comments · 1,751 views
  • 589 weeks
    Stories and their updates.

    I've finally managed to find some inspiration to write. It's great to finally have that back!
    So, in order to thank you guys for being so patient with me, I'm going to update three of my stories.

    Forced Pony Cuddles: Luna Addition
    Diamond in the Rough: Chapter Two
    The Lively Adventures of Anonymous: Chapter Six

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    3 comments · 835 views
  • 590 weeks
    Forced Pony Cuddles: Winner 4

    And at 21 votes Luna is victorious! And judging by the order she's getting to cuddle with the human she cuddled with as Nightmare Moon.
    What will happen, how will the human react to seeing her in a new light? Find out in the next update.

    2 comments · 672 views

So, here's the thing with the stuff and such. · 12:32am Jul 30th, 2014

Alright people who stalk me like there's no tomorrow. I'm sure you're all wondering a few things like:

Oh God why is Aether back?
Who's this asshole?
Why didn't you stay dead?
Why isn't he writing clop already?
How come you haven't finished any of your big stories?!
What were you even doing for a year?

Well, lemme tell you, a lot has happened to me. Back in October I was in my second month of employment at IHOP (International House of Pancakes). Washing dishes at minimum wage was what I did during my time there. Because of how I spent my time after work, along with only having a 10 minute break to eat in an 8 hour period, I had no time to really do anything other than work. That meant that you guys would be waiting on updates that would never arrive. Instead of being a complete asshole and making you guys wait, I left instead. Within four months I ended up nearly getting fired from that job. Basically there was a big freeze in my state back in january, and because my car ended up hitting a patch of ice. I ended up in a ditch on my way in. When I told my boss what happened I was considered as "skipping out on my job" and my boss told me that "he could find someone more reliable." So I quit then and there before I could be fired.

After that was a four month period of having no job, and no money to do anything. Depression became a huge thing, anger was another, mainly targeted at myself. That lead to me isolating myself from my family, taking refuge in social media and League of Legends. In that time I was trying desperately to find another job, filling out applications daily, calling places daily, going to places of business daily, signing up with employment agencies, trying to get on at places with my friends trying to help me along, all of that was met with failure. That failure only fueled the anger and other horrid emotions I was feeling, leading me to destroying my laptop in a fit of rage. I guess you could say I got sick of the monotony, the loneliness, the feeling of uselessness, and that all my days were melding together. I was sitting there, looking at what I'd done, realizing that if I kept on like that I'd destroy myself, that if nothing changed I'd do progressively worse things. Seriously my sanity was fleeting, I realized that.

My dad, being the awesome person he is, helped me out. He ended up fixing up an old 09 model laptop we had collecting dust and got it working for me so I could continue my online ventures. After that came the big family talk and such. I guess you could say me cutting myself off from the internet started a chain of events that worked out in my favor. The reason behind me saying that was that the following day I got called in for an interview. Ended up doing well in that interview and got employed! So, from May until now I've been working as a stocker at Wal-Mart, and while I make double what I made working as a janitor back at IHOP, it comes with its own set of headaches. Regardless, getting that job has restored a lot for me. It's also given me 40 hour work weeks almost every week so I'm pretty happy about that too.

Though I'm sure that brings something else up too like: "You have even less time now? How are you going to update anything?"
The answer: Slowly, and one at a time.

I've gotten a bit better at managing my time, and the activities I did during my janitorial job is no longer a part of my life. Instead, I now have an endless void in between work days that's filled with League of Legends and surfing the web. That's a pretty empty life to lead if all I do is play videogames and web browsing when I'm not working, so I decided to pick this back up. I figured that giving you guys some entertainment might help bring a little bit more happiness back into my life, I know I was pretty happy providing for you all, so why not start it again?

Anyway enough about that, let's get into what's going on next: What am I going to update first?

The first on my list, considering it's nearly done anyway, is Diamond in the Rough, an anal based clop with the seamstress and Anon the human.
After that, I'm planning on a chapter for Forced Pony Cuddles. Once that chapter is up, I'm moving on to The Lively Adventures of Anonymous.
I'm sure you guys are wondering what's going on with Anon, Eris, and the rest of the gang aren't you?
After that however... is a little bit of a surprise. It's a different route than what I've usually given you guys. But I must ask.
Ever wonder what a pony would be like if they ever had a craving for the flesh of the living?

Report Aetherpony · 2,057 views ·
Comments ( 20 )

I know exactly what you're referencing in that last line, but I won't spoil the surprise.

Cut off your foot, collect disability, write all day.

League of Legends you say~

2327423 Mandroid's got the right idea, as always.

That is quite the journey:twilightoops: Im glad things worked out in the end. I look forward to hearing from you again.

Glad to see life is treating you better and you won't go off the deep end. Really looking forward to the updates. But I've waited a while, I don't mind waiting a while more. Probably going to have to re-read some of the anon adventures so I'm not lost. I know I've really enjoyed your work, hope you enjoy making it again. I'm really happy to see you back, you're the one that brought me to fimfiction in the first place. Felt weird without your updates. :twilightsmile:

Wuten #7 · Jul 30th, 2014 · · 1 ·

So, I suppose now is finally the time to ask:

Have you finished those errands, Aether?


See? It's people like him that try to push me off the deep end. First sexy Eris Demo Reel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5lQGpn13EM, now he's asking about those errands...

i'll roll with "because ponies" for all the answers :3

Jesus, was expecting you to disappear and mark the previous blog for 'a rare sighting of one of Fimfic's rare and possibly extinct creatures'

seriously though, known that min wage feel. hope isht keeps looking better for you in the future dude.

Love you too, you butt munch. :heart:

I love the fact that I can sit here and see three of my favourite AiE greentexters in the same comment section.

Love reading the pastebins then coming here to see them fleshed out.


First sexy Eris Demo Reel

'Ello, wot's all this then? Why wasn't I informed? And yay yer back or whatever.

Ahh the adventures of working class Joe. I had my own a few years back after losing a job. Always glad to hear a story with a happy ending from the other 99 percenters out there.

Welcome back to Fimfiction! I look forward to updates on Forced Pony Cuddles. That story has a lot of heart.

Glad to hear you're back, I look forward to seeing how you conclude Diamonds in the Rough, especially as it's one of the first fics I read on this site :raritywink:

Welcome back and I'm glad things are going well for you, you were one of the OG /mlp/ writers back in the "golden" days of AiE. Damn feels like a long time ago even though it was only a couple years. Shit man.

Pay no attention to the assoles going: "Thats's great, where is X." I'll have you know I read every word of your plight and can appreciate you coming back, I was quite sad when you left. Not a lot of people realize that many of the tropes of MLP fan-fiction writing were formed back by the stories we traded around back then.

To answer your question I haven't... But am intrigued nonetheless.

3358459 Wait, this blog post was a year ago. Did he unexpectedly die in a car crash or something?

2 years have passed, lads. I think he's returned to the land of the dead.

I think he desided to do as the anon in applerape orgins he wrote on pastebin

Do you have a link to it?

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