25 Followers! · 12:46am Jul 20th, 2014
OMG, I have 25 followers! Thank you so much! I love all you guys!
I mean it, I love you guys!
I am a girl who got into My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 7 years ago. And I've finally decided to try and write fanfics, so...yeah. That's about it. If you ever want to talk feel free to PM me.
OMG, I have 25 followers! Thank you so much! I love all you guys!
I mean it, I love you guys!
2300494 What?
2300496 It's one of those modesty things people talk about.
You're too kind, essentially.
2300500 Oh, I can be meaner if you want.
No. YOU'RE awesome!
Hit it, Three Dog Night.
2300535 Thanks!