What Makes A Good Author? · 8:17pm Jul 15th, 2014
(Note: Everything stated in this blog is opinion, not fact. I do not imply that my opinion is fact or more correct than yours. So, you know, feel obliged to disagree and let me know my opinion sucks.)
What makes a good author?
I regularly get PM's, comments and the like asking for help on how to be a good author, and tips as to how I write like I do. Granted, I'm no expert, but I feel I can share a little bit of wisdom and/or advice to help some of you writers - new and old alike.
Now, it's true that not everyone is cut out to be a good writer. I mean, it's the same with any art form. For example, I can't draw to save my life, and a lot of people probably don't know how to sing, or whatever. Anyway, the point is that not all of you are going to be great writers, or even moderate writers. But that's cool, because you can still try, and if you have fun, no harm no foul.
So, in my personal opinion, one of the greatest assets needed for being a good author is patience. Why do I say that? Well, let me point out a few things an author has to deal with during the writing and publishing process:
-Lack of inspiration/Writer's block
-Harsh critics
-Busy schedules
-Trial/Error editing
Those four things I mentioned are inescapable and require time and patience to deal with and get around.
For example, I work 6 nights a week, so although I'd love to write a more, I realize I've work around and find time to do such.
Another example, I've had to come a long ways to get better as far as editing and such goes. My first few fics are barely recognizable compared to my newer efforts. It took time and practice.
Patience is a key virtue to writing that is often hard to come by for all of us, but it is essential to the writing process, and improving your skills.
You're writing your story you've worked super hard on. You've gotten the perfect plot lined out, your OC is perfectly written, the characters are believable, and you spell-checked that baby until the cows came home, ate some grass, and left again. You hit that submission button, Meeester gives you the copy-paste approval message, and bam! Your story is live, and you're ready to reap the rich rewards of your hardened effort.
Oh, look! You've gotten your first comment! What does it say?
This story sucks. Your OC is a Mary Sue, you obviously ripped that plot from [insert any well known author here], and your grammar looked like you raped it with power drill that you dunked in battery acid. Ima just go ahead and make a couple alternate accounts to downvote this story multiple times.
Now, you have two options.
1. Ignore him. His thoughts are stupid and obviously unfounded.
2. Attack back with your own insults/poorly worded comebacks.
3. Ignore him, but think about the points he brought out, and do a little research to see how you could improve from what he pointed out.
Granted, that's an extreme example, but sometimes we feel like our stories were given purely unjust criticism. So, what should you do? Let me give you a hint: #3.
A lot of criticism will be given rudely, but a lot of times we perceive it as rude because it's not what we want to hear. Like that comment up there, although perceived to be rude and harsh by the author, probably read something more like this:
Your OC is a Mary Sue, and the plot is a bit unoriginal. Also, your grammar could use some serious work.
That may sound rude, but honestly, that's really nice criticism. That's directly telling you what you need to work on so you can be better in the future. Most readers don't feel like taking the time to copy/paste and quote every mistake you made, so don't expect them to.
A good author, instead of getting butthurt by critics, will learn and take to heart the criticism they receive.
Being a good author doesn't simply mean you have to learn good grammar, storytelling and have heightened knowledge of mechanics. That's only half of it. Being a good author also requires that you know how to make your work appealing to the readers.
You can have the best written piece of work out there, but if it's not something people want to read, then congratulations, it'll flop. It's kind of like how some movies can win all kinds of awards for best picture or whatever, but go unnoticed at the box office or on Netflix, because they just aren't something that interests people.
So, how can you find an audience with your literature?
Well, no matter what kind of story your writing, be it dark, romance, comedy or tragedy, you can get it to be popular with a little effort.
First, that description has to be delicious. It has to make your story sound exciting, and something users will want to read. Keep it short, sweet, and leaving on a mysterious note, so the readers will have to give it a shot.
Also, you have to make sure the title is something interesting and memorable. Something that will draw readers in. Especially, your gonna want to make sure that it's a title that hasn't already been used before.
And as for the story itself, make sure you start as close to the action as physically possible. That way, you not left with mounds of boring description and lead up. Give us some drama and story, not filler and description.
Please, don't be one of those writers who tries to write a story about stuff you have no idea about. Like, if your gonna god forbid write a Fallout: Equestria story, make sure you know a good deal about the universe and characters.
This also applies to characterization. If you're uncomfortable writing certain characters because you feel you can't capture their personality or something, don't write them. Focus on characters you can write and relate to.
Also, I would suggest that if your going to write MLP fanfiction, make sure to watch all the episodes correlating to the character your writing about. That way you have a broad spectrum to learn from.
Alright, obviously I don't have time to write a full essay regarding every possible niche that a good author has mastery over or whatever, so I'll leave you with those few points for now.
Remember, do what you can, don't be afraid to make mistakes, and learn from the mistakes you do make.
Later guys!
......weird.... i just found a story that refers spike and lyra shipping...
2288340 I've probably read it. There are only about 4 of those.
2288347 No.... its a Human in Equestria fic
This guy speaks the truth.
2288340 What fic is it?
2288351 yes, I must know this story.
My tip on how to be a good author:
Don't be me.
2288383 But its only one liner dood! Its not a actual story.
2288386 But what if I wanna write about milkashakes and sassy black ladies? Then can I be you?
... and then some of us just stay illiterate for the rest of our lives.
I can agree on patience criticism and material. But audience? I dont get it all that much. Past Description ansmd cover how do you do that?
well i firmly believe that to be a truly great author, one has to have a nice if not amazing ass. This is one of the first things i check when i go into a story, sadly, this is why i cannot writing.
(Jk; honestly though, you have to write convincing dialogue and character interaction. It doesn't matter how good the premise is, if the characters are asses and unrelatable then you are not going to be received well.)
2288402 Well the idea is that you have to make sure your writing appeals to people. Even if it's a good story, if it takes too long to get started, your gonna lose readers. So make sure you get the readers attention and get some interesting stuff flowing pretty quick.
2288408 *looks at ass* damn, I'm screwed.
Great advice, I applaud you! *claps*
[insert that song by that crazy woman here]
This is pretty much all I needed to know. Thanks a lot.
2288416 Yes my brother.. but there is another way! As the great poet Joshua no-ass McGibbons once said, "I may have a less than amazing posterior; but that isn't going to stop me from being the best that i can be!" Joshua no-ass McGibbons: Circa 1753. *Sniff sniff* truly inspiring!
2288389 Oh hell no!
2288471 Psh, Y'all need Jesus
2288503 Nope. Just enough words And no I did not. Any particular reason your hell bent on rivaling everybody?
2288414 That is... harder than it sounds since you gotta let something hidden. You need to play your cards correctly.
I find it extremely ironic that I read this blog after reading this and this.
In any case this is really good advice.
2288650 Yep, I pretty much wrote those stories just to poke a little fun at everyone, including myself.
2288656 Well, I found them to be some of the best stories I've read.
2288664 Thank you very much
2288669 What dream is that?
2288667 You, my friend, are quite generously welcome!
2288680 I suggest you choose poachers then. They're killing off animals left and right for material gain.
2288708 No such thing, as poaching is unethical in nature.
seems simple. Personally, I go with #1 and then #3.
#2, only if they attack me and not the story. But if I saw that about making multiple accounts to downvote a story, I would let the mods know.
Thanks for the advice im tryin to write a story and you just helped me a lot now i know how to make it better respect homie
Now I just have to write the damn story...
Then might I direct you toward this blog: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/477127/fight-for-your-write-finding-your-way
That is pure gold
Also, good advice dude, good advice.