Thoughts, considerations, writing... and XCOM. · 10:50pm Jul 8th, 2014
Getting this out of the way first: Yes, I'm going to get back to writing. I realized I can't sit around and mope about my potentially lost files. I'll start re-writing Sanctuary in short order. And I still owe Fuze Diplomatic Measures chapter 2. Besides, I'm feeling pretty inspired lately, so that can only work towards the good, right?
So, pardon if this seems a bit rambly. I have it all straight in my head at work, know what I want to say, then I get home and all I wanna do is relax. Ain't that always the way?
I guess the first thing I want to cover is... my status as part of Equestria Daily. I'm the last of the original pre-readers. I was one of the first, and the only one of that initial cadre that's still active AS a pre-reader. Everyone else has either moved on, or gone on to do other things, or even left the fandom entirely.
It's hard, really. I've sunk the last... what's it been now, three years? almost four? hard to believe season one was so long ago, and I was so... happy. Yes, me, happy for pretty little pastel ponies that I could buy the toys for and brush their manes and talk to them... just like I used to. It must sound silly, or even creepy, coming from a thirty-year old, 285+ pound, 5'6" white guy... but that's really the truth of it. My Little Pony is nostalgia for me in its purest form. Sure, I grew up and watched stuff like Transformers and GI Joe... but MLP? That was bonding time with my little sister. Even back then, I had a fondness for Applejack. I guess some things never really die. I should call my sister, come to think of it. It's been a while.
Where am I going with this... I guess the simplest way to put it is... come the start of Season Five? I'm hanging up the pre-reading hat as part of EqD. I'm still going to stay in the Skype chat, and I'll happily be 'on call' for special requests, and I might even do pre-reading work for a small fee (like, $5 for anything under 10 K, that kind of thing. It'd be nice to look over some fics, get them spiffed up, and be able to buy a pizza as a reward). My heart... really just isn't in it anymore. Not like it was. I feel... unnecessary. There's folks that pre-read now that make me look like a chump. Sure, I pick out wonky grammar and the typos, but I don't have the Chicago Manual memorized like it seems some folks do.
Which leads into the fate of National Pony Writing Month. I... I just don't have the capability of doing it any longer. Real life has taken precedence. I want to do other stuff. Like write again, myself. Like learn how to draw. Like expand my repetoire of cooking. If someone volunteers to take it on, and they're obviously someone I can trust with it, then I'll hand over the e-mail and password to it, free and clear. This also applies to the story contests I was doing, once upon a time, though my good buddy Couch Crusader seems to have picked up the slack in that department.
Next on the list is... more or less an open question. I have a couple writing projects on the docket right now, as mentioned up above, but for those of you that actually enjoy my dreck... is there anything in particular you'd like to see me write? or attempt? Let me know, if you do.
Lastly, at least for now, I'm looking at reinstalling XCOM, because I needs me some tactical shootiness. And possibly doing Twitch streams of it. I'm no Beaglerush, but I'd at least hope I'd be entertaining. You can find me on late Thursday nights/early Friday mornings at
And so, the last of the Old Guard finally steps out of the spotlight.
I, as well as many others, have much to thank you for. You, one of the final hurdles to overcome before that most sacred of fanfiction pedestals; the EQD Pedigree. You have single-handedly made or broken careers, ensuring that only the choice, the creme-de-la-creme of effort and talent makes its way to the top. And you've done so since the very beginning.
You've earned the right to step back. The mark of success is the ability to pass on the torch. Take comfort in the legacy you have left behind, it's quite a large one.
I respect you as a person for the sacrifice and dedication you've endured to reach this point. For that, I will never stop following you, and I will never stop poking my head in now and again to see how the retiree is enjoying the coronas. You've done me a kindness --- maybe not directly, but to more as a part of a whole --- for your services, and I commend you with all my heart.
Stay sexy my friend.
Remember that that shouldn't be the standard to make a fic pass or fail
anyone that thinks that grammar/structure are the only things that matter when writing (or that they matter more than anything else) is not fit to judge anyone's stories.
Still, I'm saddened to see you leave the EqD team. It was always cool to see some of the old faces still there. Glad you're taking up writing again, though!
I may be mis-interpreting, but I think that's part of his implication between the lines.
I know I would get tired of people obsessing over details in a fashion beyond that merited by their relevance.
I had to work on many many programming teams back in University; the guys who obsessed over *exact* javadoc protocols, or absolutely precise commenting structure, or 110% comrpehensive HTMLunit testing, or declaring variable names *just* so, failed the CSC program spectacularly.
Worse, they drug their team down; their practices stifled creativity and became focal points for anger and frustration. Whenever I had the chance, I shut those folks out of the loop so the team could actually accomplish objectives.
In CSC, comments, testing, and such are vitally important and never to be directly disrespected or left to die. But the hard truth is that they don't make a program; the code makes the program. A misplaced semicolon, or a malformed while-loop are a heck of a lot more important than spelling the title of my javadoc comment right.
Efficiently designed if-tests inside stressful oft-repeated code are much more worth scrutiny than ensuring my unit tests cover every piece of code 8 times or more.
Speaking as a person who too-often has perfectionism issues of his own; learn something from engineers. Do what *Works,* not what is perfect. Judge by what works, not what you wish something could be in an ideal world. And for the love of Sir Isaac; lighten up folks.
As my Father always says 'Don't major in the minors.'
That's how you create this kind of burnout.
2267777 Probably. I can be dense sometimes.
Okay, a lot.
Nah: I just know because I've been having related discussions with him. I had secret insider knowledge.![:moustache:](
Besides, being a *little* dense is good; there's no sense in getting down in the mud and playing subtlety games with society. A can of candor is more valuable than a cargo-ship of subtlety.
As always, I just want you to be the happiest possible pony!
Part of my happiness comes from my friends being happy...
To that end, expect your package to be sent out either this week or next (probably the latter). It's not much, but I hope it'll at least cheer you.![:pinkiehappy:](
Hey, Noble. I wanted to let you know that NavyPony and I are sad to hear that you're leaving that section of the community. Your past support is one of the reasons he keeps writing - he still has your EqD 'acceptance letter' for The Moon is a Harsh Mistress saved on his GDocs file where he keeps his brainstorming for the story. When he feels beat about writing, he reads it.
I hope you have a great time doing... whatever you decide to do. If you're a fan of XCOM, I highly recommend the "Long War" mod. And if you write? Well, I love me some shipping, but write for yourself first and the fandom second.
Best of luck, brony.
Well, as I said above, I'm happy to work 'on commission' for pre-reading, or special requests. That being said, I'm still happily at your disposal if you need me. I'm looking forward to the next chapter of that myself. And I have something cute and fluffy in mind, if not shippy, lately...
As for XCOM and the Long War mod... no. I've seen the horror stories from Beaglerush with his Ironman Impossible runs on youtube. I haven't even beaten the game once, myself. Screw Chryssalids!