• Member Since 6th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 1st, 2013


More Blog Posts8

  • 659 weeks

    Ugh, so I got tagged again, so much fun...

    Ok so apparently I've been 'tagged' Here goes nothing...

    The rules:

    1. You must post the rules.
    2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal
    3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.

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  • 659 weeks
    I Never liked this game...

    Ok so apparently I've been 'tagged' Here goes nothing...

    The rules:

    1. You must post the rules.
    2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal
    3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
    4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.

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    0 comments · 297 views
  • 662 weeks
    Well, let's see here...

    Okay, so. I've decided to revoke my first story and rewrite the whole thing. I'll get on that after I've completed a grimdark short I've been working on and finish the final character entrance for 'Equestrian Japanese club' Which I will do soon... eventually.... some day... Hopefully I can get more free time during the summer to write as school does take up a lot of time. Especially at this time

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    0 comments · 383 views
  • 664 weeks
    I wish I could draw...

    Well, after I complete the final character entrance for 'Equestrian Japanese Club', I'm going to start writing for my first story again. However, I won't be uploading that chapter until a friend of mine completes some cover art for the story which should be by sometime next week. I also might try to make some cover art for 'Lost Thoughts in a New World' but I have a feeling that with my art

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    0 comments · 368 views
  • 668 weeks
    I'm ready! Vacation!

    Okay, so my older brother is getting out of rehab on Saturday so to celebrate My family and I are heading to The Great Wolf Lodge in the Poconos and We'll be heading back on Monday. I'll have access to the internet over the weekend so I'll try to work on both stories, most likely very early in the morning and very late at night. I've got three more character entrances left with one currently in

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AND THIS IS WHY! · 3:10am Jun 3rd, 2012

Ugh, so I got tagged again, so much fun...

Ok so apparently I've been 'tagged' Here goes nothing...

The rules:

1. You must post the rules.
2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them.
6. No tag backs
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you're reading this". You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

Now about myself:

1. I like racist jokes.
2. I enjoy Italian food.
3. I like turtles.
4. I hate stairs.
5. I'm running out of thing to tell about myself.

My tagger's questions. (The sick bastard):

1. What's your favorite type of tea?
A: I don't drink tea.

2. Is discord living in your upstairs?
A: No, but I;m beginning to think a sloth demon is.

3. Who's your favorite writer?
A: I don;t really have one. I don't really keep track of authors.

4. Would you like a panzerfaust with that?
A: Why yes, than you.

5. What's your biggest concern about where FIMFiction is headed?
A: I don't really have much concern.

6. What would be the best fic idea currently plaguing your head right about now?
A: One in which someone gets teleported into Equestria by a draconequus with an affinity for art.

7. What is the most nonsense you have ever had to sit through in one sitting?
A: Hanging with my friends after school when my mom forgot what time to pick me up.

8. What is the best group trolling project you have ever seen thus far?
A: I don't really think I've seen any significant ones.

9. ......Do you shit rabbits or gold?
A: Rabbits, because that's what I eat.

10. Dafuq is dis shit?
A: I just told you, rabbits.

11. What is the deepest most time consuming thought you've ever had?
A: How significant death really is, when ultimately, we're all bound for it.

And once again, I do not feel like tagging people.

Report Brownbear96 · 493 views ·
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