Summer Mayhem Crossover Contest!!! · 8:42pm Jun 23rd, 2014
Hello Shooting Stars!
Guess what? Summer! It's finally here! But what's summer without a little chaotic fun?
Discord: Right you are.
So, may I introduce, the:
Okay, Okay, not excited yet? Then allow me to explain:
This contest goes on until the end of summer (and I mean summer in the northern hemisphere.),
being from now until August 31st. All that really required for stories in the contest is CROSSOVERS.
Of anything. Really, anything. Heck, you could do an mlp crossover with the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and it woulds count (though I would really want to read that one).
All YOU GUYS need to do is if you're not a member of the mlp fan club, and you wanna participate, just sign up and submit the story.
Just follow THESE RULES:
1- Must be a member of the MLP fan club
2- You can only submit stories made by YOU
3- The story must be made in the time frame June 1st to August 30th, winners will be announced the 31st.
4- The story has to be a crossover.
And that's about it. For info check out the forum in the club: here
Thank you guys so much, and I hope you all have fun with it!
Shooting Stars Away!
Just joined the club and was the first to post an entry into that contest.
2228905 Awesome!
There should be a folder set up for contest entries. Can't wait to read yours. 
The contest is nearing to its end, and I already spoke to BronyDragon about this--will you guys make a thread with the rankings in the fan club, or a blog post with them, especially since Cerulean Swirl's gone on Labor Day vacation?
2413877 With that in mind, we'll probably make a thread, and send out PMs like before linking to it. With C gone on vacation, we'll probably have to wait until she gets back to get her input and announce the winners one or two days after labor day.
Thank you for your participation!
2414097 Okay. Anytime.
2414097 Cerulean's back a bit early.