• Member Since 19th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen May 7th, 2022


I am a lover of (pony) fiction, games, art, sugar, spice and everything nice. I also enjoy talking to people, so if you have something to say, let me hear it!

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Hanging up my hat · 2:19am Jun 5th, 2014

So I have decided to hang up my hat when it comes to writing stories. It's a shame, though, since I still got plenty ideas left in my head, but I just don't have the endurance looking for a new proofreader every other chapter / story. Apparently my stories aren't good enough plot wise, or written in terrible English (sorry I am a German guy, I don't know it any better) that it wore out all people who were willing to help me... at first. Maybe it is just me personally, I don't know. Maybe my expectations are too high or I come off as a jerk or too stubborn or something. Yet another proofreader abandoned me and I just don't have the strength left to go find another one. Sorry, I am just too frustrated to carry on.

So as a result, the remaining chapters of “Last Pony standing” will be scrapped and the story itself will be put on hiatus, and possibly never touched again. That story haunted me for years and everything seemed to be jinxed from the start, so I'll just put a stop here. My other stories which are already finished and published will stay in their current flawed state.

Maybe if there is someone, who is that masochistic enough to deal with me, my terrible English and possible plot holes in my stories, I could get back to it again, but as it is now that isn't much likely to happen. If you actually wanna try send me a PM, but only if you really want to.

I am sorry for those, who were waiting for any updates. I want to say thank you to all my followers. I really appreciated your support – even if you just miss clicked the button, it did matter to me and made me happy. Maybe it did make you happy as well, who knows. So again thank you.

Despite the increasing number of Clopfics, fics with strange plots, and just poorly written stories, I do find a story that is fun to read every so often, so I'll stick around the site anyway. If you have something to say, just send me a PM. I still enjoy talking to people, that hasn't changed after all.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,


Report Monki · 438 views ·
Comments ( 2 )



~Skeeter The Lurker


I kinda expected your reply within a few minutes.:trollestia:
You do live up to your reputation, being the site's Prime Lurker. Hey, That's a good Idea, how about getting a Optimus picture and becoming the Prime Lurker? :pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy:

What I really wanted to say is, you were the first person I've met here and although we haven't really talked for quite a while I still consider you a friend. Thank you for your support. :pinkiesmile:

I just feel so empty right now...

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