• Member Since 17th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 30th, 2012

Speedway King

More Blog Posts9

  • 612 weeks
    Where's chapter 7 Eggman? You said there would be chapter 7!

    Sooo update:I've been touching the next chapter every now and then until just a little while ago, I had come into some unpleasant family matters. The problems have since been resolved and I'm now putting work back into Allfathers.

    Sorry for the delay

    -The Speedway King

    2 comments · 461 views
  • 616 weeks
    Chapter 6 Spoiler Alert: Todd continues to suck at life

    So the sixth chapter is (FINALLY) done, my lovely editor Miss Toth just needs to put the fibers to it and it should be up tonight.

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    1 comments · 340 views
  • 616 weeks
    Still here, just kind of dead

    So yeah, I was about halfway done the next chapter of Allfathers before I realized "LOL I SHUD GO AWAY AND PLAY IN THE CITY!". Yes, I've been away from my computer for a while but I'm back in the saddle now.

    Sorry about that :I

    -The Speedway King

    1 comments · 303 views
  • 617 weeks
    I hate every author who is better than me and downvote their work because I am petty and small.

    So yeah, I'm getting the next chapter done veeeerrrryyyyy slowly, mostly due to the fact that I've been in the woods for a few days to clear my head. Fear not, fans of socially inept guardians and tiny Ozarkian equines, the next chapter is surely on its way.

    1 comments · 301 views
  • 618 weeks
    Idea's and Updates

    So just letting y'all know that I've started chapter 6 of Allfathers, aaaand as a request from my readers (whom I love very much) I would appreciate your input on this idea:

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    4 comments · 368 views

Taking chapter 4 to the comb · 10:54pm May 30th, 2012

So chapter 4 is currently in the editing phase. It should be ready for a'postin tonight.

Much Love

Report Speedway King · 251 views ·
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