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  • 472 weeks

    This is a post I've been wanting to make for a long time.

    Hope you enjoy it. :heart:

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  • 496 weeks
    Story Promotions (Round XIII)

    Evening, everybody! It's that time again, so have another round of great stories! :pinkiehappy:

    Ready to read? Click the break!

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  • 496 weeks
    Story Promotions (Round XII)

    Happy almost-Friday, everyone! It's time for some more story promotions! :pinkiesmile: Just a quick note here before I begin. I've moved all my promotions to this GDoc so they'll be easier to find. Feel free to visit the Doc anytime!

    Now then, click the break to read!

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  • 500 weeks
    Love Wins

    In case you just woke up and/or gained internet access...

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  • 501 weeks
    Story Promotions (Round XI)

    Happy Saturday, guys! Have another round of story promotions!

    ... Right below the break. :twilightsheepish:

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Story Promotions (Round III) · 1:12am May 25th, 2014

So it's been a while for these. Have some promotions. :twilightsmile:

Happy Ending

Inspired by the song Happy Ending by Mika.

Golden Harvest farms carrots, is incredibly devoted to her husband, and lives in bubbles.

Written Script writes and travels far too often, but is charismatic and well-liked.

Derpy likes muffins and is legally unfit to take care of her foal.

And then there's Dinky, who (legally) belongs to Golden Harvest and (legally) must visit her mother once a month.

Life is incredibly complex, but it's also profoundly simple.

This story... Wow. This story was a sucker-punch to the gut. You will need some tissues to read this, folks, but it's really worth it. Told from the first-person perspective of Carrot Top, it's a simple, yet profound examination of a life and a family that is less than ideal. Not everything is explained, but that's what makes it beautiful, I think. I can't say too much without giving away the story, but if you have an hour of your spare time, read this. I read it one day on the bus ride to work... I'm glad I was wearing sunglasses...

Bitter Harvest

Golden Harvest is not jealous. Sure, her neighbor Applejack has a life of adventure and glamor, friends who are national heroes and princesses, an appallingly lucrative share in the local fruit market, and firm, toned flanks. And sure, by contrast, Golden Harvest has been stuck with her snout in the same old muddy patch of carrots pretty much every day since she earned her cutie mark, her best friend is a dentist, and her idea for a 'Carrot Juice Season' never really gained much ground for some reason. But Golden Harvest is not jealous.

Not jealous at all.

She just wishes Applejack would stop being so distracting.

:rainbowlaugh: This story is a laugh riot! (And yeah, Carrot Top/Golden Harvest and Written Script get two stories today, because they are cool and awesome.) This is written from the third-person limited view of Golden Harvest, who is quite the unreliable narrator. While this is tagged Romance, it is more of a Comedy and self-discovery story. Seriously, poor Goldie is so deep in denial that she's drowning in Egypt—which is why it's so damn funny! :rainbowlaugh: I read this one at work and had to stifle my chuckles. Almost 18K of pure comedy gold, along with some feels and d'aww moments. If you're a fan of comedy, coming-out stories, or just want to laugh at the most stubborn closet case I've seen in a while, read this.

Pony Vs. Food

Adam Rice is a world renowned food critic who has made a living by traveling all over Equestria, seeking out the finest places to eat, while attempting to compete in some of the worlds greatest eating challenges as he documents his entire journey on film for the world to see.

He's battled the Angry Joenut in Canterlot, conquered the Pancake Tower in Baltimare, and now his journey has brought him to Ponyville, home of obsessive fan girl Bon-Bon, a zap apple muffin obsessed Derpy, and The Pinkie Promise Challenge. A seven pound cupcake that only one pony has ever been able to finish in one sitting.

Ever seen Man Vs. Food? This story exemplifies the show perfectly. Starring a ponified version of Adam Rich, this is a light-hearted comedy that goes down easy. Due to the fact that it emulates the TV show it is based off, the story is written in a bit different style. With present tense and camera cues, it is a little different, but not bad at all. I had a good laugh along with this one. Everyone (including Adam) is pretty in character, and there are some hilarious cameos from some of our favorite background ponies. I'm not big on crossovers, so the fact that I'm promoting this should tell you something. :raritywink:

The Great Equestrian Picture Book

Let's be serious here. We all love our ponies. We all love our stories as well. But sometimes I think that we forget ourselves. There are so many stories here of tragedy and loss. There are so many stories here that involve quirky and surreal situations. And so, to rekindle a sort of forgotten flame, here is The Great Equestrian Picturebook, so that we can more so remember the kid inside of us.


This is the single best thing this fandom has produced. Nothing stands up to this. Not FoE, not Past Sins, not any of the video game hacks or drawings or music. I would rather all those things be destroyed, if only this could remain. This is it.


Because this is what the show is truly about, and who it is truly for. Lezbehonest here: Friendship Is Magic is a light-hearted children's show. Yes, we fans (myself included) take that source material and play with it, expand on it, even turn it on its head to explore our own imaginations and improve as artists, but, in the end, it is what it is.

I don't have any shame in saying that I enjoy watching a children's show; I don't have to point at the few subtle adult jokes (like "The punch has been Spiked!") or the action scenes to justify my enjoyment of the show. I don't have to pretend that it's "manly" or "complex" or any of these other buzzwords fans use to disguise what they truly are watching. It's a children's show, and a part of me is still a child, and always will be.

And that part of me, that childlike part that wants to read and write and experience simple, joyful things loved The Great Equestrian Picture Book, and I'm sure the child in you will, too.

It's a simple story, written in rhyme, with beautiful pictures as accompaniment. There's no hidden layers here, no symbolism, no allusions, no masks. It is what it is: beautiful.

If you have a young child/sibling/etc., read this to them. They will love it, as it is meant to be loved.

Hope you enjoy the stories, guys. Take care and have a great weekend.

Comments ( 23 )

Do I hear wedding bells? :raritystarry:

Well, I wish you luck on your goals. You damn well better be happy at the end of this, otherwise I'll find you and shove a happy pill down your throat :pinkiecrazy:

Or just get kicked in the nuts for touching you.... that's an option as well :twilightblush:

I wish you the very best of luck in your upcoming endeavors and I shall fervently wish for your happy new beginning! :)

I'll have to check a couple of those out. Already read Shiver. Happy Ending and Picture Book have my interest.

And... I'll be honest, I'm getting a bit tired of Fimfic. I don't know if it's the season drought or what, but things just seem a little dead and flat around here. Then again, that could be my own bias talking.


That's a neat Applejack picture right there.


Thanks, Shadow_Wolf. You guys will be putting up with me for at least a year or so more though. :ajsmug:

And we shall enjoy ever minute if it ;)

Someday, I would be advertised. *hopeful emoticon*

Thanks for the promo, I really appreciate it. What you got out of Happy Ending was exactly what I intended, so that is extremely awesome.


You're welcome! It's a great story. :twilightsmile:

Now I'm going to have to read Shiver. Two Carrot Top stories huh.

Things seem dead here now. In a week or so, I'll probably be blogging regularly once more. That should be buckets of fun! :pinkiehappy:


I look forward to it. :twilightsmile:

Good luck with all future things Bad Seed.
I hope that everything will turn out great for you:twilightsmile:

Good luck to you in all your future endeavors, my fine fellow. *salutes*

Thanks again for liking and reviewing my story :pinkiehappy:. I glad you , and I hope you enjoy what I have planed next :raritywink:


Thanks! I'll still be here for a while, so you haven't gotten rid of me just yet. :twilightsmile:


You're welcome dude! :twilightsmile:

2144472 Thats good to hear because I would miss you a lot. :pinkiesmile:

Man v food.
wow bads. I like that show so why not. Didn't thought any one on this site watches it as well


I love that show! :yay:

I do too . Problem is I want to try those challenges. I will say this the episode where he's at the fair in Cali. Which is the same fair all over California. Some of the food I tried and it was awesome


Niiiice. He actually did one of my hometown's food challenges... I can't eat that much food though, so the only thing I would actually try would be some of the spicy food challenges.

I would but at the same time no. I did tried the four horse meat challenge and I fail...pretty bad

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