Shakespeare Quote Goes Here · 2:28am May 22nd, 2014
Now that you've read the unrelated title, I have come to you, my readers, with a small request. You see, I've been writing for some time, now, and it has come to my attention that I am not quite the best when it comes to grammar, and spelling, and catching all my mistakes. I like to think that I get most of them, but I don't always proofread, and so I sometimes miss things.
Which is why I've decided to turn to some of you. Out there, amongst all of you, my readers, I'm sure that there is someone willing to aid me in doing editing and proofreading for my work. This is not for getting sneak peeks at what I write, but is to check for mistakes, and stupid errors. Find the mistakes that I don't pick up on, and ask me questions about what I mean, and help me to write a better story (Grammatically). I would also like a solid prereader, who doesn't mind telling me that something is stupid, or cliched. I'm trying to make a rather serious story, to an extent, and I want it to come out well. Hence, I'm requesting someone who is willing to take my ideas, tell me they're stupid, and order me to try something better. Again, the prereading is to help me write a better story, not just see what I've written ahead of time.
Interested applicants need only PM me. And, please, if you want to do this, be dedicated to doing it. I don't want people who aren't really interested in helping, because that would make me feel a sad.
And you don't want me to feel a sad, do you?
Sursum Aeternum!
-Jet Howitzer
I eadit on ocashuns.
Only on rare occasions, it might seem.
I do not enjoy editing (ruins the experience of reading for me), but I am more than happy to throw together a quick early modern Grammaire for you.
PM me if you wish to learn :)
Hello. I have wandered in here and can see you are an alright business. I would not mind selling my soul to you and your business. I would like to apply for a position; nothing big, just General Manager.
How long are your breaks? Do you have a water fountain that makes noise when you drink from it? Will you say yes to the dress? Are coloring books provided in a small area near the front? May I bring my dog? Answer these, and I will be ready to take over.
Thank you.
I don't take souls, sorry. Only graham crackers. General Manager is already taken, but you can be head busboy, if you like. The pay is ten cents per hour. No tips.
Breaks are four minutes. The water fountain actually absorbs sound. Fuck the dress. Coloring books are provided. Colored pencils/crayons are not. No dogs. Unless it's for dinner.
I love it. Where should I sign?