FiMFiction Religious Arguments in a Nutshell · 3:54am May 14th, 2014
As an Episcopalian Christian, this my own set of current thoughts on the subject of religious argument over the internet:
Can't we all just get along? I get along with people of all sorts of beliefs just fine as long as they don't try to force me into changing by being a booger about it; Wolf-Baron is an Atheist, and I'd almost think of him as a best buddy, if it weren't for the fact that it's an internet friendship, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that he respects my beliefs. Someone who agrees with you is precious, but someone who doesn't agree with you and still is friendly and respectful to you (this rare phenomenon is called "Love and Tolerance"), that's even more precious.
better to try and fail then to have never tried at all
As long as people exist on this planet earth, there will be some argument about some stupid shit somewhere.
I can understand that, though it's pretty annoying when people try to forcibly change me by being a jerk about it. Gentle and subtle conversion is fine, it's human, but being rude just has the opposite effect on me.
True, so true.
Kind of an ironic statement since us Christians are known for having certain divisions that do the same thing to others.
That's probably not that common of a phenomenon. I wouldn't be surprised if the media exaggerates how often that happens. Good news and everyday stuff doesn't exactly sell in the mainstream media.
The same goes with people of all kinds of beliefs. They aren't as bad as media attention makes them look, because like I said, the people who manage the media seem to be keen on sensationalism.
2110594 Actually, it's a really well known fact that Jehovah's Witnesses are really imposing about their beliefs and tend to force them on other people whether it be family or strangers. Saying it's "media" is just ignoring the fact that a lot of Christians really aren't very good Christians. Which is really what gives people their uninformed opinion about Christians and why people on the outside dislike them so much.
How hard do they try to do this? They knocked on my door, they were friendly enough. A little hard to politely get them to leave, but it worked. Didn't annoy me, because they didn't say that by not believing what they believe, I'm an idiot and a monster. Actually, that's what really gets to me.
2110611 Have you ever talked to someone who's a former Jehovah's Witness? They all pretty much say the same thing about being forced to do all these things they didn't want to do so they left.
Wow! I didn't know that before!
2110622 Kind of a good thing to know, that even though a group or person may seem nice on the inside there could be something bad on the inside.
On a more serious note, I admit to previously clinging to arguments that I probably, if my memory serves me, didn't necessarily start, or mean to start, but greatly prolonged, for a handful of reasons, none of them to change the opposition's beliefs, but for all of the following, and probably more that I forgot:
-To demonstrate that I'm a reasonable human being with reasonable cause to believe what I believe.
-To try to not let the opposition think they've won and gloat about it later.
-To not let the opposition think they can change me too easily.
-Because I'm just stubborn as heck.
Upon the advice of one of the most trustworthy people here, I will change my methods to demonstrate these, into being far more gentle, as they should be.
Well, actually, a lot of the people who got into argument with me were Christian themselves. It's the Renaissance all over again, I suppose.
I'm a follower of a kind of... shinto/bhuddist style of beliefs. Kind of akin to the mediator of "belief" that hangs around Japan, mixtures of the two bound into one package.
I don't really like the idea of one god, I just like the idea of perfecting myself to become closer to understanding our god.
And that's fine, I'd never hold that against you; in fact, as a Christian, I should focus more on embettering myself to understand God better than I usually do.
The way I see it, we're all children picking up the scraps our father left for us. Little bits that will one day, tell the whole truth.