ALL HAIL LORD TIREK!! · 6:48am May 9th, 2014
I knew it!
Male, greedy, and of course, Tirek!!
Since Lunar determined that if they were arranged in a Marvel Sinister Six, the roundup would be:
Nightmare Moon: Electro
Discord: Mysterio
Queen Chrysalis: Doctor Octopus
Sunset Shimmer: Venom
Who does that make King Sombra and Tirek?
Also, Tirek is now an official member of the Ultimate Six of Equestria, which are actually not as much of a knock-off of the Sinister Six as much as they are a reverse set of Elements of Harmony. The Six, are of course Nightmare Moon, Sorcery and Despair, to counter Twilight's magic and hope; Discord, humiliation and disagreement, to counter Pinkie's laughter and tendency to bring friends together; Queen Chrysalis, Dishonesty and Selfishness, to counter Applejack's honesty and selflessness; King Sombra, wrath and cruelty, to counter Fluttershy's gentleness and kindness; Sunset Shimmer, Disloyalty and manipulation, to counter Rainbow Dash's loyalty and Relexation; And now, Tirek, Greed and mercilessness, to counter Rarity's generosity and compassion.
Considering all the ponies shipped with Discord and Sombra, makes you wonder who'd be shipped with Tirek...
I hear he's all so going to try and get discord to join him