• Member Since 25th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen January 9th


I enjoy writing, and I hope I can entertain you with my stories.

More Blog Posts45

  • 514 weeks
    Chapter 13 is out!

    That's right people, after far too long, I have finally updated ODaM. So go! Read! And enjooooy! Muahaha!

    In other story-related news, I'm making some progress on the next chapter already. No idea how long it's going to take, but I can only hope that it'll be up faster than this update was. :scootangel:


    2 comments · 515 views
  • 515 weeks
    Long overdue writer update

    Hello people, this is Rakni with a writer update for Of Dragons and Mortals.

    Hope you people didn't think I was dead or anything! Though I'd forgive you for thinking that, given the lack of updates and stuff.

    My excuse? Family drama, personal stuff, a brief stint in the hospital, just... lots of stuff at once. It's been a busy and emotional couple of months.

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    25 comments · 574 views
  • 537 weeks
    Writer update

    Rakni here with a writer update on Of Dragons and Mortals.

    Wow, I've been quiet for a while, haven't I? Problem is, I have had a lot of RL stuff to deal with, and I've struggled with motivation to write and all sorts of things. I haven't said anything because there isn't much to say.

    Until now.

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    16 comments · 575 views
  • 544 weeks
    Chapter 12 is out!

    Against all odds, me and my editors managed to get the new chapter out. My IRL troubles haven't gone away or sorted themselves out yet, but sometimes you just want to write. I have a small announcement to make here, but if you'd prefer to get to reading, the information will be provided for you in the author's notes. It's nothing scary.

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    4 comments · 474 views
  • 546 weeks
    Writer update

    Rakni here with a writer update.

    Unfortunately the news are not so good: I'm struggling with some pretty big RL issues at the moment and I can't find much time to write. Combine that with a case of writer's block, and I don't know when the next update is coming.

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    5 comments · 505 views

Writer update · 6:55pm May 6th, 2014

Rakni here with a writer update on Of Dragons and Mortals.

Okay, so I have good news and bad news.

The bad news is that, as part of my education, I need to spend the next several weeks getting on-the-job experience. As luck of the draw would have it, I have to travel a looong way to get to my allotted place. Which means that, in between traveling and actually working, my weekdays more or less disappear, and I'll probably only be able to write on weekends for some time.

The good news is that chapter 10 has been written (I made sure to tap it out before this part of the semester) and has been sent off to the editors. So sometime relatively soon, you'll get another chapter.

Sadly, I can't give you a dead-line, since I won't have a lot of time to sit down and listen to my brilliant editors. But it's coming. We have not given up.


Report Rakni · 393 views · Story: Of Dragons and Mortals ·
Comments ( 1 )

Man, you need a laptop so you can write while you're traveling, assuming you're not driving. That would be dangerous. Can't wait for the update, yet I must. Such a cruel world we live in :raritywink:

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