New Headcanon confirmed by latest episode. · 6:04pm May 3rd, 2014
That's right.
Forget about Spike for a moment! There are more important issues to be concern about at the moment!
Look here at 6:52 of S4E24, at first you would think that that's prince Blueblood along with the other royal dignitaries; but you look closely at his cutie mark!
Those are three crowns! That's not Blueblood cutie mark! This is.
Either that's a magically altered cutie mark or what's more likely, that's no Blueblood at all!
He has a Twin! The Fanfic prophets were right after all.( ̄▼ ̄)
Note 2
Another thing that was worth noticing about the Equestrian Games was that they don't seem to discriminate between genders or even Species.
As you can see there were both female and male ponies as well as Gryphons in the rally.
And they even won Bronce
and like Oscar Pistorius they can be considered to have an unfair advantage due to being Gryphons and all; but it looks like in Equestria is widely accepted that the best is the best without those silly divisions that we have in our own Olympics.
I just found this pretty interesting and probably a potential life lesson about knowing how to lose XD
2073850 what young Luna looked like?
What exactly are you referring to? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with this one.
2073893 I'm going to go with Pen Stroke's Past Sins head-canon on this one and say that the perceived age of the Alicorn is proportional to the amount of magic it currently holds.
In other words what we saw in Season one wasn't young Luna it was a shape that she had taken due to the lack of magic and power that she currently held.
She looked like she was young but she was still the Luna that expended one thousand years in the moon and has being alive long before that.
Naturally she stopped looking young once she recovered her straight.
2073962 Ether way you get the same result XD.
That head-canon allows for some additional credibility however.
2073979 Wait a minute, Hans is that you?
I did not recognize you.
2074008 I knew it was suspicious that there was another author with about as many followers, blog post, and stories than me.
I'm still wondering how can it be that our profiles statistics are sill so similar after such a long time.
The only difference between you and me is that I have not created any groups yet.