Progress reports · 11:22pm May 1st, 2014
Because I have nothing more witty to say, and because I'm sick of looking at that last blog post, I'll throw a bit on my current projects here.
Now that my pet project of two years (A Simple Reflection) has been completed after extensive rewrites, revisions and hiatuses, I'm moving on to an even more ambitious story. I'm gonna go for something that might actually break the 100k word limit (and, based on my usual pace, might be completed some time after the sun goes supernova). It's something I've been talking and thinking over for a while, but have only recently started writing.
At it's core, it's a friendshipping fic featuring Octavia and Applejack. Of course, it's got some of the most detailed world-building I've done yet, and a (hopefully) sweeping, engaging plot, but that's irrelevant. The point is, it's a fic with Octavia, and Vinyl Scratch never makes an appearance. Not once. She's not even mentioned. I'm taking the fandom's interpretation of Octavia and throwing it right out the window for this one.
But anyway, I'm most of the way through the second chapter. I'll probably write ten chapters (or so) before publishing, and release the first three to five chapters in a lump, just to get the story moving a bit. Hopefully, the remaining chapters will give enough of a buffer for me to actually do a semi-regular update schedule.
I've had nothing but free time for the last little while, and if the places I'm applying to for the summer continue to stonewall me, I might be stuck that was for an uncomfortably long time.
But yeah. That's about all I've got in the way of ideas for the moment. Hopefully, I'll be able to get the first few chapters of this new fic out some time soon.
If writing an epic has taught me anything, the more chapters you have already written and ready for posting, the better. If you have the patience, write the whole damn thing! But as you know, patience is hard to come by when the posting bug comes to call. Anyway, I will say that the AJ octy fic did hold promise. I liked what I've seen so far, so be sure to sent me more when it's ready and I'll give it a more critical eye.