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Starlight Jimmer

please no punterino Starlight Jimmer

More Blog Posts14

  • 319 weeks
    Cancelled my long abandoned stories (My Princess, My Godess, My Daughter)

    Hey guys,

    I'm sure most of you have forgotten, because I did, but I had two stories on "Hiatus", and I've now changed that to cancelled. I realised that I wasn't going to actually write anything any time soon, and so I thought I might as well cancel them, I may come back to them, probably not.

    Anyway, here's a basic summary of the rest of My Princess, My Godess, My Daughter:

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  • 319 weeks
    Cancelled my long abandoned stories (How the Twilight Sparkles and Bubbles)

    Hey guys,

    I'm sure most of you have forgotten, because I did, but I had two stories on "Hiatus", and I've now changed that to cancelled. I realised that I wasn't going to actually write anything any time soon, and so I thought I might as well cancel them, I may come back to them, probably not.

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  • 531 weeks
    The mane 6's cars

    Sup world,

    I love cars, a lot, so I've decided to find what (most likely) the main 6 would drive if they were in our world. I've put into consideration how much money I assume each character would have, their personalities, their families (do they need to drive anyone around), and their needs (jobs, amount of stuff they carry, etc.).


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  • 551 weeks
    Now, a message from our sponsers


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  • 552 weeks
    I'm sick! (cough for effect) Pt. 4!

    Yep! Here we are again! Some like my writing, so I apologize to that guy.

    "How are you sick this time?" I hear you groan.

    Well you see, this time it's a mental sickness, and no, I'm not in a loony bin, but I am suffering rather serious depression at the moment, and I barely have the energy to get out of the bed in the morning, let alone go to school, or write.

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Equestria Girls, just... just stop · 4:51am Apr 27th, 2014

Right, so. Equestria Girls, AHH! WHY WONT IT STOP!

Opinions on the first movie, I despised it, I thought it was badly written, the actors were doing a half-assed job, the animation was rubbish, it was painful to watch, and it was called My Little Pony, and then they spent the whole time as people, and Spike as a dog was carp, just like the whole movie.

So, why am I bring this up? Because the sequel is coming out, and man, it's looks shit. Like, really crap. Firstly, it's based all around music, and the songs (that I've heard so far) are crap, so what's the point, also, why is Twilight back? What point does she have for going back?! Because if it's a research trip or something like that, then it seems counter productive to go and join a bloody band.

I'll admit, it doesn't look as bad as the first movie, but then again, that's like saying having my hand frozen off is better then have my head cut off slowly, which is technically true, but still. Also the acting doesn't look quite as rubbish as the first time around, but it still doesn't look as good as the show.

But back to problems with the movie, they have the same visual style and character designs as the first movie, and considering the fact that the first movie looked terrible then this is not a good thing.

Also, if you can remember, for literally no reason at the end of the first movie, when friendship was shown, the main six became anthropomorphic versions of them selves, which I'm sure put a lot of people in therapy, and not just was that crap, but now, for LITERALLY NOT REASON every time they play music they transform into their half-pony selves, and if that wasn't bad enough, no one comments on it!

Do the writers of this movie believe that this is what happens in real life, at their high schools did people randomly turn into half equine beings?!

Also, Equestria High, what a shit name, Equestria is a pun, like Manehattan, yet it seems the writers forgot all about this, and I was once out in the country and I saw a place called Equestrian High, it was a training school for horses, so my question is, what parent would send their child to a place that is assumingly for horses?!

But you want to know what the worst thing about all this, the thing that drives me up the bloody wall?! IT'S GOING TO BE A TRILOGY! There's going to be more!! I can't take more! I watched the first one and purged it from my memory, but now there a more coming out!

And yes, you can (and probably will) say, "well why don't you just not watch the movie?"

And my answer is, because I'm a fan of MLP, and therefore I'm going to stay in touch with the happenings of the show, even if I'd just prefer it if this movie serious just went and died in a hole.

Report Starlight Jimmer · 401 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Well, say what you will about the original EQG, but Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games blew it out of the water.

3793892 Oh shit, don't get me started on those two, I'll go for fucking hours!


In a good way or a bad way?

3793898 Take the general tone of this post, then time it by two. I'm going to stop talking now, before I piss someone off

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