Story time · 3:43pm Apr 25th, 2014
It's too soon for another writer update from me, but I have found myself waxing nostalgic for some reason.
I'd like to tell you about how I became a Brony.
Short story: Pinkie recruited me.
Long story, well...
The first time I properly heard that bronydom was a thing was part way through season two, in an article I read in the newspaper. I know that a lot of the early publicity we got was negative, but this article was quite factual and included an interview with a Brony who noted that he had a bit of difficulty buying some MLP toys from McDonalds. He tried to buy a happy meal with an MLP toy on the first day they were available and was actually turned away, if I recall correctly. However, about a week into it he tried again, and the workers had become accustomed to men asking for the toys and didn't give him any trouble. The article went on to mention that Bronies was a thing, and wrapped up.
I remember exactly what I thought when I read it:
"Okay, so that's a thing. Well, I'm glad these guys have found something they like."
And that was that. I had seen, and continued to see, some memes and pictures and such online, but I didn't really make the connection, and put the whole 'pony thing' out of my mind.
Months passed. Season two finished up 'off screen', and life went on. Then comes the day I did some searches on TVtropes.
See, I was writing my own original story (I still am, actually, though I lost a lot of the progress a few months back and ODaM is my top priority) and I was checking through various tropes to get some inspiration.
My search took me to the character motivation trope For Happiness. For those of you who don't feel like clicking links, I'll paraphrase: A character with this motivation wants to bring as much happiness to the world as possible.
Sound like somepony you know?
The trope worked perfectly for one of the characters in my story, but the page-quote intrigued me. Back then said quote was an excerpt of the Smile song (at time of writing, it's actually still there), and a youtube link.
I was intrigued, so I clicked the link.
After watching the Smile song three times in a row, I decided I needed to know more about this. I did some light research on TVtropes where I found EQD and Fimficiton, I also found a site that had all the MLP:FIM episodes. Over the course of a few days, I watched them all.
I am no stranger to fanfiction, so once I ran out of episodes, I dived into this site for my pony fix. Eventually I made an account, and some time after that, I started writing fanfiction and publishing for the first time ever.
So yeah, Pinkie's Smile song drew me in, but the show, and the fandom around it, has caused me to stick around. And here I am now.
And... that's that. Sorry to drone on, but I needed to write something. I should be able to focus on school and ODaM now. Hope you all have a nice day!
Funny it was Spike and Rarity that made me into a Brony. It all started with him giving her the ruby after that it was me wanting to know more and more about those two.

That's sweet.
Pinkie Pie has a warming effect on many of us and I for one love her "other" side as long it's portrayed without vindication.
I'm sure there are many whom share your gradual introduction into the fandom and It's always interesting to hear.