Writer update · 11:15pm Apr 23rd, 2014
Rakni here with a writer update on Of Dragons and Mortals.
I've been quiet for longer than I am comfortable with, so here's an update, for what it's worth:
Progress on the next chapter is going steady. Slow, but steady. I am in the middle of yet another exam, and my writing time has been very limited.
Truth be told, I think this particular course may have me beaten, and I may end up having to redo this term. However, second time's the charm, and I'm sure I'll be able to handle it much better the second time around, when I at least know what sort of disorganized mess I am walking into. And there's still a chance I can pass and leave this particular mess behind me.
Anyhoo, the next chapter (chapter 10) is in the works. I have not stopped writing, I am not out of steam or inspiration, just short on time to work. I'll give you guys another update when I have made more significant progress.
Don't let that make you give up
. Give it everything you can, and you might still pass. If not, then at least you'll know you tried. I'll be rooting you on
^ What shirotora said. Keep slugging it out with the class, and you may make it out. Had a similar situation last semester. Tanked an exam and a project pretty badly, but kept rolling with the punches and things worked out in the end. You rock! Woohoo!
Thank you, kindly strangers. I will not give up!