• Member Since 25th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


I enjoy writing, and I hope I can entertain you with my stories.

More Blog Posts45

  • 516 weeks
    Chapter 13 is out!

    That's right people, after far too long, I have finally updated ODaM. So go! Read! And enjooooy! Muahaha!

    In other story-related news, I'm making some progress on the next chapter already. No idea how long it's going to take, but I can only hope that it'll be up faster than this update was. :scootangel:


    2 comments · 517 views
  • 517 weeks
    Long overdue writer update

    Hello people, this is Rakni with a writer update for Of Dragons and Mortals.

    Hope you people didn't think I was dead or anything! Though I'd forgive you for thinking that, given the lack of updates and stuff.

    My excuse? Family drama, personal stuff, a brief stint in the hospital, just... lots of stuff at once. It's been a busy and emotional couple of months.

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    25 comments · 575 views
  • 539 weeks
    Writer update

    Rakni here with a writer update on Of Dragons and Mortals.

    Wow, I've been quiet for a while, haven't I? Problem is, I have had a lot of RL stuff to deal with, and I've struggled with motivation to write and all sorts of things. I haven't said anything because there isn't much to say.

    Until now.

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    16 comments · 575 views
  • 546 weeks
    Chapter 12 is out!

    Against all odds, me and my editors managed to get the new chapter out. My IRL troubles haven't gone away or sorted themselves out yet, but sometimes you just want to write. I have a small announcement to make here, but if you'd prefer to get to reading, the information will be provided for you in the author's notes. It's nothing scary.

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    4 comments · 475 views
  • 548 weeks
    Writer update

    Rakni here with a writer update.

    Unfortunately the news are not so good: I'm struggling with some pretty big RL issues at the moment and I can't find much time to write. Combine that with a case of writer's block, and I don't know when the next update is coming.

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    5 comments · 505 views

Writer update · 11:15pm Apr 23rd, 2014

Rakni here with a writer update on Of Dragons and Mortals.

I've been quiet for longer than I am comfortable with, so here's an update, for what it's worth:

Progress on the next chapter is going steady. Slow, but steady. I am in the middle of yet another exam, and my writing time has been very limited.

Truth be told, I think this particular course may have me beaten, and I may end up having to redo this term. However, second time's the charm, and I'm sure I'll be able to handle it much better the second time around, when I at least know what sort of disorganized mess I am walking into. And there's still a chance I can pass and leave this particular mess behind me.

Anyhoo, the next chapter (chapter 10) is in the works. I have not stopped writing, I am not out of steam or inspiration, just short on time to work. I'll give you guys another update when I have made more significant progress.


Report Rakni · 283 views · Story: Of Dragons and Mortals ·
Comments ( 3 )

Truth be told, I think this particular course may have me beaten, and I may end up having to redo this term.

Don't let that make you give up :twilightangry2:. Give it everything you can, and you might still pass. If not, then at least you'll know you tried. I'll be rooting you on :twilightsmile:.

^ What shirotora said. Keep slugging it out with the class, and you may make it out. Had a similar situation last semester. Tanked an exam and a project pretty badly, but kept rolling with the punches and things worked out in the end. You rock! Woohoo!


Thank you, kindly strangers. I will not give up!

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