• Member Since 12th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen August 22nd

Dusty the Royal Janitor

Who needs sleep when you've been dead inside for years? :)

More Blog Posts284

  • 38 weeks
    That Time of the Season Once Again

    Hello all, hope everybody is having a good holiday.

    I'm a bit too hopped up on eggnog right now to really go into depth, but for anybody who remains who cares to hear it, I'll try and have a status update pretty soon.

    Hope everybody is enjoying the season! Merry Christmas~!

    3 comments · 130 views
  • 83 weeks
    I found some VINTAGE Brony Meme Stupidity in the back of my closet

    So, no real work done on anything creative right now, my dudes. Still working through my shit. Getting a lot of therapy, but unfortunately the "greater situation" I'm dealing with is both existential, ongoing, and an annoyingly hot topic right now, so it's an uphill battle.

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    6 comments · 357 views
  • 90 weeks
    Happy Yearly Holiday Update

    Huh. I wonder if anybody still checks this page. I've been pretty dead on this site for a while now.

    Happy Holidays to everybody out there who still finds themselves entranced by stories of technicolor equines. I hope everybody is having a Merry Christmas.

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    8 comments · 253 views
  • 142 weeks
    The Yearly Holiday Janitorial Update

    *peeks in*

    ...Is anybody even still watching this space?

    So, another year has gone by and I'm afraid, once again, I have little to show for it.

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    5 comments · 534 views
  • 194 weeks
    Christmas Wishes, Apologies, and Updates

    Hello, everybody. Long time no... well... anything really.

    It's been exactly one year since I've given anybody here any blog whatsoever, and that was just a quick Christmas gag. It's been even longer since I've actually given anybody any updates on any of my stories or what's going on in my life.

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    9 comments · 603 views

Oy... · 6:41am May 23rd, 2012

You know how I said in my last blog post how it's really distressing when even a relatively poor story is deleted? How giving up on a story like that isn't the right course of action, and seeing it happen gives me a sad inside?

It feels even worse when the story is GOOD.

I don't know how long ago it was deleted, but there was a story called 'Tough Love: Luna vs. Celestia' and it was basically a story about how Celestia feels out of sorts after being so handily taken out by Chrysalis, and how Luna was going to help her get back in shape. I read the first chapter and it was really good, but I already had a ton of other fics on my plate and decided to set it in my browser favorites and come back to it later. So today I decided to try to do that and to my surprise, despite the pretty good quality of the fic... it had been deleted. And I don't even remember who the author was to ask them why they deleted it. (btw, if any of you... three... people watching me happen to know this fic, where I might find it, or know who the author is, do tell me ^^;)

It really does sadden me when a good story doesn't get to be told...


Comments ( 4 )

I remember it too, and even though I did read it I don't remember the author.
Sorry :fluttershysad:

Damn, same here. I didn't even get to read the third and fourth chapters.

Its by Aegis Shield.


Yeah, I figured that out when he reposted it. Read the whole thing all the way through. Ultimately, it was good through about 90% of it, but I particularly didn't think the ending capped off the story in a very satisfying manner.

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