You people deserve a definitive blog post to explain everything schedule related in the coming months. · 3:42am Apr 14th, 2014
So as usual, I haven't had a whole lot of updates going. I can at least call the reason out, and say when things should get better. I have AP testing coming up soon (first week of May), and if you're not in the US you have no idea what they are (because they could be called something else idk), they're basically year-end tests where you attempt to test out of the class for college. Either way, half of my classes are going to just stop being time consuming after those. So I'll start everything again, get three chapters for three different fics out that I've been trying to work on. That'll be Disinterest, The Winds of Change, and The Ecstasy of Defeat, in no particular order. Hopefully those will get out a head of time, but worst case scenario, it'll be after those tests.
On an unrelated topic, The Ecstasy of Defeat got linked to a forum called SpaceBattles, which rings a bell I guess. Anyway, that explains the random views I've been getting today, because seeing a favorite on that story is like finding a needle in a haystack. It's a good day.
I'm sure some of you are grinding your teeth together wondering why I haven't released stuff for WOC. I've been writing that stuff during most of my available time, and it's not done. Stuff happens, and I've got to figure out how I want to spin things. I also need writing time in larger blocks, because my productivity is really low when I start writing, and after like twenty minutes of sitting there it gets to a high point where it stays until I have to do something else. So these five minute segments I have at the moment don't work too well.
GL with Exams
RL comes First!