Story Promotions (Round II) · 4:44am Apr 12th, 2014
Have some story promotions!
It was supposed to be Octavia’s first big moment in her beginning career. To her dismay a unicorn named Vinyl Scratch stole her spotlight and left an impression on the cellist she would so soon not forget.
This is my take on how two of my favorite ponies met and the stages they went through.
This story takes place about 2 years before Nightmare Moon returns, so you will not see any of the main characters here. If you are here for some Scootaloo & Rainbow Dash, I am sorry to disappoint you.
But please….stay a while and listen….err read.
Rated Teen for some slightly darker scenarios in later chapters and some crude attempted humor.
Alright, so you're probably thinking, "Vinyl and Octavia? Oh, another one of those stories." And you know what? That's what I thought at first glance as well.
And, boy, was I wrong!
There are a few grammar things I've noticed throughout, but nothing too big. The "Random" tag should probably go, as it's more of a Slice of Life with a few Sad undertones.
This story is just... Wow. I love Slice of Life stories, I love great character development, and I love stories that give lesser-known characters a backstory. Stages has all three. Switching between the POV of Vinyl and Octavia (but doing so in a clean manner), this story focuses on the mares' careers and relationship, from their first (terrible) encounter, to their growing friendship. There are tons of nice little world-building things in here about both Canterlot and beyond, as well as some good humor and feels. Overall, it's very well-written, and the care that the author puts into the characters is palpable.
There are a few chapters that I enjoyed so much that I have gone back and re-read them several times over already! Seriously, if you check out any of the stories in this blogpost, let it be this one.
The Wonderful Life Of Berry Punch
With Nightmare Night so close by, the residents of Ponyville are so busy setting up for the night's events. It'd be foolish for any pony to leave things to the last minute.
Well, then you have Queen Drinksalot aka Berry Punch; Ponyville's lovable town drunk. Who did something crazier than leaving things to the last minute, she left it to drunk Berry. Who knows what kind of mischief she got into last night, in preparation for Nightmare Night? It's up to Berry Punch to make sure Nightmare Night goes well for both Pinchy and Cheerilee or suffer the shame of spoiling the evening.
Remember how I said I liked stories with character development and backstories for our beloved background ponies?
Look no further!
Now, the story isn't perfect. The formatting is a bit wonky, which is a nitpicky no-no for me, the Queen of Things Being In Straight Lines (ironic, right? ). There's a few grammar things as well, but it's nothing too difficult to fix. I guess you could say that the story is a bit rough around the edges like its protagonist, but they are both awesome and lovable anyway.
I read most of this story on the bus to and from work last week, and let me tell you... I almost wish I hadn't, because I laughed so hard that other people were staring at me like I was the crazy one!
The real crazy one is Berry Punch—daring, brash, hilarious, and, of course, drunk a good majority of the time. But she's also a good-hearted mare who's trying to make this Nightmare Night a memorable one for both her daughter Pinchy and her sister-in-law Cheerilee. With the help of her friends Colgate and Noteworthy, will she succeed?
I won't answer, but I encourage you to try and find out! If you enjoy light-hearted Romantic Comedy/Slife of Life stories, check this out! At the very least, all the references will have you doubled over in laughter!
Inspired by a lecture my dad gave me after consuming 1.5 bottle's worth of rice wine. Also a little something for Christmas Eve and Day.
Scootaloo was on top of the world. Showered with praise at the Equestrian Games, became closer to her idol, and learned an important lesson in the process. To celebrate the success of their performance at the Crystal Empire, the CMC, with the aid of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, launch a party at Sweet Apple Acre.
But even with all the festivities, Scootaloo's self-doubt had not completely disappeared. Even before the bullying, the idea of never joining Rainbow in the sky, no matter how hard she tried, left a hole in her stomach. After all, what more can you do but your best?
Wandering around the barn, she discovers a curious hobby of Big Macintosh's. Just to be fair like the cool pony she is, Scootaloo reveals a secret of her own, and learns from the stallion just what mere hard work can do.
Edited/proofread by JBL
I love stories that give Big Macintosh some good character development. In my headcanon, he's pretty damn smart, and has talents other than kicking trees and pulling carts. Smart enough, in fact, that he doesn't flaunt those talents, and knows when to keep his mouth shut, unlike a certain brash sister of his... (Just kidding. I love AJ! )
Anyhoo, this criminally underappreciated story not only has some good development for everyone's favorite red stallion, but some for Scootaloo, too, along with a great and uplifting moral. The interaction between Mac and Scoots was excellent, as was Mac's advice and secret talent. I found the whole thing to be very heartwarming and motivational, and have read it on multiple occasions now.
There are a few errors, but nothing too bad, and the whole thing was very well-written and proofread overall. If you enjoy Slice of Life stories, or stories involving Big Mac or Scootaloo, you should check it out!
My final promotion is for a Mature story, so I will provide a link to the author next to the title. Make sure you have Mature turned on if you are interested in reading it.
Brushed Away: The Private Moments by TheVClaw
Set in the world of Brushed Away, these chapters follow the lives of Troy and Canvas as they venture deeper within their love for one another. As the Gryphon and stallion bond closer as a couple, these chapters follow the two through the more... intimate moments of their relationship. From their first night bonding as one, and through the many moments following afterward, these are the chapters that show just how special and unique their love really is.
Note: This is M/M romance, which is written of an adult nature.
First of all, this is M/M, so if that's not your thing, feel free to skip comments on this one. (My own orientation aside, when it comes to clop, I read just about everything and anything, except for the more extreme stuff/things I'm not into.)
Also, if you have not read Brushed Away, I would advise you not read this story until you have read Brushed Away. This is basically TheVClaw's equivalent of my First Harvest and Nights Of Love—optional side-stories that add to the relationship between the characters, but aren't necessary to the main storyline itself.
With that out of the way, this is the best M/M clopfic I have EVER read.
This is coming from someone who would rather read a steamy story than watch a video or look at pictures of... um... smexy stuff, so, trust me. I'm being for-realz, yo!
Seriously, it's got the funny/awkward moments that are bound to happen in a couple's first time, it's romantic, it's sweet, it's realistic, and it's smexy. It's the whole package (LOL I said package), and if you love Canvas and Troy and smexiness, you will love this.
Welp, that's all I have time for now! Back to work!
Ponies in lurve are so cute.
What does "smexy" mean?
You said MacDash....
Please... say it again
*starts playing with his Mac and Dash figurines*
2002586 Then why didn't you just say "sexy"?
Can I play with the figurines too?
... You know, I don't even have an answer for that.
It's been a long day!
2002598 MINE!!!
*growls ferally then runs off with them to play in the corner*
Well fine. I'll just play with my own figurines then.
I feel I missed something, and, whatever it was, it probably was good.
I'm doing the next chapter in this MacDash collab.
2002623 Link me please to this colab...
*lets you play with his Applebloom And Babs Seed figurines*
The almighty collab!
*makes the figurines ki—have a tea party*
2002656 Thank you
And I was hoping to see the Cloud Kicker figurine jump in for a threesome!
Cloud Kicker bucks about everything, doesn't she?
2002670 Considering that she banged a hydra... I think Big Mac would be like a hotdog thrown down a hallway!
... I'm amused, but also scared.
Babs, where in the internet to you find these pictures that make me want to squeeze the screen, only to be stopped because it's this rectangle thing I can't squeeze?!
I usually go to Derpibooru and then search for tags like "cute" or "adorable," or a shipping tag.
2002695 clever move...clever...very CLEVER.
Seriously did you think of that?
I browse Derpibooru a lot.
2002699 I see...
I see you've read Stages as evident by the long line of Bad Seed comments on the story page.
Oh, stop it! You're too nice.
I swear, with all the praise you give to my work, it's like you have a crush on me!
Not a romantic crush so to say, but like, a man-crush.
Yes! Work on the MacDash chapter! Work on it with all thous might!
No promotion for the most metal pony story? Im going to go cry...
The most metal story ist yet to come...MUHAHAHAHAHAHA,!!!!
(incoherent but meaningful comment)
You guessed right!
I'm being honest! If anything, you're the Turk to my JD!
Hell yes! And you know I'll promote that story when it's out!
2003956 We are making everything...*Deep breath*