• Member Since 15th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 19th, 2024


Hello? Is... is this thing on? The red light means it's on, right? Or do I... I have to push a button, don't I? Well, which one? There's like ten! The black one? They're all black!

More Blog Posts63

  • 482 weeks
    Motorboard hats look really stupid.

    I got a reminder of that on Thursday, when I officially graduated from York University. But, as I was walking back to the car with my family, BSc in hand, I realized something. Maybe they're supposed to look stupid. Because I was wearing the bloody thing with pride. And if I was wearing something that stupid with pride, then I had to be really proud of myself.

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  • 496 weeks
    I don't know how many of you have been following the New Horizons mission...

    ... but I have. And the stuff it's sending back is super exciting.

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    So There, They're has been canonized.

    "It's amazing how much you can pick up when you're actually in the book!"

    Please excuse me while I giggle like a schoolgirl.

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  • 514 weeks
    Time to celebrate all things circular again.

    And today's a very special pi day indeed. On a related note, I'm attempting to post this as close to 9:26 and 53 seconds as I can.

    So, yeah. Grab some pie, doodle some circles, calculate the radius of the universe or something. The sky's the limit on pi day.

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  • 528 weeks
    Today's a special day.

    Because starting today, I can go waltz across the border into the United States, walk into the first bar I see, sit down, and order a beer. And nobody will be able to do anything about it.

    Then I'll stare at said beer awkwardly after remembering that I hate beer and don't drink. And then quietly ask for a virgin screwdriver or something.

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    3 comments · 479 views

I feel like I should explain myself. · 5:31pm Mar 20th, 2014

As several of you may have noticed, my current project, a story titled A Simple Reflection has recently, and finally made it onto Equestria Daily. You may have also noticed that it hasn't updated for about six months. Even for my usual pace, that's a bit ridiculous.

Now, one of the more recent comments on that story raised the point that due to the long update drought, they were skeptical as to why it was allowed on EqD at all. They were concerned that it was a story that would never be finished.

I should probably assuage those concerns right now: the story's done. It's been done for almost three weeks. Three more chapters and about eighteen thousand words are sitting unpublished. Why, you ask? There were a number of reasons.

First off, the last three chapters have undergone several rounds of heavy revision as the story progressed: revisions heavy enough to make stealth edits infeasible. Second, my pre-reader, as many of you are aware, is currently going through warrant officer training and won't be back until April 1st or 2nd. The fourth chapter has been looked over thoroughly by him. The fifth and final chapters have not. I wouldn't be comfortable releasing them in that state, so I won't.

Thirdly, and this is probably the most selfish of all: I wanted to put off updates until the story got onto EqD, which took far longer than I expected it to. Things were bogged down on their end, which I can't fault them for. In any case, I was waiting for the extra exposure, in order to get as much feedback on this, my pet project, as possible. Was it fair to my readers? Not in the slightest. I do apologize for it. Hell, if it wouldn't guarantee pathetic exposure and limited feedback, I'd hold off on publishing any story until it was completely finished. But that's not the way things work in the jungle that is Fimfiction, and so I had to rely on your continued patience.

So there you go. Assuming good ol' Bronius has the time and motivation, the last two chapters should be out soon after he comes back. The fourth chapter, as many of you may have noticed, has been released. Hopefully, it restores enough patience to take you through the next two weeks or so.

Report FanNotANerd · 507 views · Story: A Simple Reflection ·
Comments ( 3 )

I wanted to put off updates until the story got onto EqD

That's hilarious!

Why would you ever expect your story to get into EQD? Getting onto EQD is nothing but the luck of the draw, a spin of the roulette wheel. You can write the best story in the world, then wait several months before it comes back with a harsh rejection that makes no sense. Many of us have been there. Then we check EQD and find that some garbage has been posted. It means nothing.

I've given up even submitting anything to EQD anymore, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Seriously... I do not need that kind of abuse.

1941700 I agree that getting onto EqD is a bit of luck of the draw. It's a bit of a long story, but I was assured by one of the pre-readers that it would be posted as soon as they got to it. All he wanted from the resubmission I was waiting on was the correction of a couple minor grammatical technicalities.

Besides, the editing and lack of a pre-reader were the most significant of the three.

I may need the link again, but once the army gives me my life back, I'll take a look.

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