Shine Like Apple Jewel? · 6:49pm Mar 5th, 2014
Art by mn27
The trees hang heavy with fruit today
I guess that’s just my luck
A harvest of obligation
Too much for me to buck
I'm in a cider press, tryin' to squeeze a drop of cheer
I can’t bear this load for another year
Just plow the fields, just buck those trees
Be the farm girl you were always meant to be
Pinned tress, no dress, just sweat and grime
But now’s my time!
I will shine, I will shine
I won’t hide my inner light
I will shine, I will shine
I’ll be the brightest star tonight
I don’t care
What they’re going to say
Let the apples rot
I always liked oranges anyway
Surprising how some makeup
Let's me finally feel like me
Not a rodeo clown or farmer
The lasso’s off and now I’m free
It’s time for me to have a ball
To seize the day, to have it all
My chance to dance, to finally show
I glow!
And I’ll shine, I will shine
I will blaze like the noonday sun
I will shine, I will shine
High time I got to have some fun
No apple trees
No more hauling fruit
I’m a shining star
My hooves are shined, my steps fall light upon the ground
My dress is shimmering with jewels that clink with tinkling sounds
But one thought makes me stop and stand here in my tracks
I’m never goin' back
There’s no more Applejack
‘Cos I’ll shine, I will shine
I’ll break free from all the rules
I will shine, I will shine
My name is Apple Jewel!
I tried my best
But I can’t stay
If the apples rot
Well, I prefer oranges anyway
Pffft... Parodying things related to the Oscars. How low can you stoop?
In all seriousness (well, as serious as this kind of thing allows,) this was a lot of fun!
Et tu, Ponydora? I'm sorely tempted to unfollow you, for this. I can't get away from that infernal song.
That said, hearing Doug sing is always welcome.
It won't happen again!
(I'll find an even more ineluctable earworm).
Oooh. A good filk of a good song.
I bet there must be a Frozen crossover already, but I haven't seen it yet.
"Well, I prefer oranges anyway"
Oh, wow, how did I get that wrong?
Way to repudiate your entire cutie mark origin story, A.J.
Nice song parody, regardless! I usually see this song applied to Luna in the fandom...
I always thought AJ's story was fishy to begin with. Her "rainbow" looks nothing like a sonic rainboom, for one. Element of Truthiness, at best. And thanks!
That's bad grammar and stupid. Congratulations.
Oh how I love it so.
She totally was like "Hey, yeah rainbow...oom, sure".
She just didn't want to feel left out.She didn't even get the cutie mark at that time like the others, she had to get all the way back home fist which probably takes several days from manehattan.
*sigh* That's what I get for leaving out the 'not serious' disclaimer, I suppose.
I gave you a thumbs up to even things out.
Pinkie also got her mark one day "post boom," and Rarity received hers an unspecified time later (within a few days, certainly, as the rehearsals for the show were well under way). But AJ? Who knows? Manehattan is a fair piece by train, apparently, and she hoofed it like some underage bindlestiff. Could have been weeks later! .
I really, really should watch Frozen one of these days.
Even if she didn't just run away and just walked all the way back or something she probably had to, you know, excuse herself from her aunt and uncle's house, go through a sit down to talk things out, wait some time to "think about it", she was probably going to school in the city and had to deal with that as well. It would have taken weeks or months either way.
Even for the ones that didn't get the cutie mark right away the rest got revelations or epiphanies from the event, AJ was already feeling terribly home sick and would have probably gone home anyway.
The more i think about it the less sense it makes that her cutie mark had anything to do with the rain boom.
Yeah, i think my new head canon is that, on the night that Nightmare Moon returned, AJ just happened to be there when they confronted Twilight (or maybe she was following Rarity), there was nothing magical about her destiny, that's why she's the sanest of the bunch.
Let it go, isn't it?