• Member Since 25th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Tuesday


I enjoy writing, and I hope I can entertain you with my stories.

More Blog Posts45

  • 516 weeks
    Chapter 13 is out!

    That's right people, after far too long, I have finally updated ODaM. So go! Read! And enjooooy! Muahaha!

    In other story-related news, I'm making some progress on the next chapter already. No idea how long it's going to take, but I can only hope that it'll be up faster than this update was. :scootangel:


    2 comments · 517 views
  • 517 weeks
    Long overdue writer update

    Hello people, this is Rakni with a writer update for Of Dragons and Mortals.

    Hope you people didn't think I was dead or anything! Though I'd forgive you for thinking that, given the lack of updates and stuff.

    My excuse? Family drama, personal stuff, a brief stint in the hospital, just... lots of stuff at once. It's been a busy and emotional couple of months.

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    25 comments · 575 views
  • 539 weeks
    Writer update

    Rakni here with a writer update on Of Dragons and Mortals.

    Wow, I've been quiet for a while, haven't I? Problem is, I have had a lot of RL stuff to deal with, and I've struggled with motivation to write and all sorts of things. I haven't said anything because there isn't much to say.

    Until now.

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    16 comments · 575 views
  • 545 weeks
    Chapter 12 is out!

    Against all odds, me and my editors managed to get the new chapter out. My IRL troubles haven't gone away or sorted themselves out yet, but sometimes you just want to write. I have a small announcement to make here, but if you'd prefer to get to reading, the information will be provided for you in the author's notes. It's nothing scary.

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    4 comments · 475 views
  • 548 weeks
    Writer update

    Rakni here with a writer update.

    Unfortunately the news are not so good: I'm struggling with some pretty big RL issues at the moment and I can't find much time to write. Combine that with a case of writer's block, and I don't know when the next update is coming.

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    5 comments · 505 views

So I did a little search... · 12:36am Mar 3rd, 2014

As I checked in to read the comments on ODaM, (I read all your comments, even if I don't reply,) I looked up to see that I have some good ratings on it. So just for a laugh, I decided to check how I rate against the top-rated clopfics on the site (by going browse-Top- All Time and activating the Mature and Sex tag.)

I'm about 5 or 6 pages back. Much more than I expected, but I can deal with that. Then a thought strikes me: I don't remember if I've seen any anthro-tagged stories before mine popped up. So I activate the anthro tag to see.

According to Fimfiction's automatic system-algorhitm-thing, ODaM is, at time of writing, the top rated erotic anthro-tagged fic on this site.

So, if you need me, I'll be over in a corner, quietly having a panic attack.


Report Rakni · 343 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

So, and not to be an ass here, but rating is basically number of likes to dislikes as a percentage. Which is still very impressive, but it isn't the most upvoted story. Which is what I originally thought rating would be. Congrats though, like I said, very impressive.

*Clapping* :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: yay for u MR. Smitty WerbenJagerManJensen. Ur story is epic and you should feel epic

I'm aware, yeah. Other stories have way more upvotes. But it still makes me feel anxious :/

I never expected the story to get this much attention.

Oh well, I guess I'll try to see it as motivation to keep going, not pressure that will crush me.

MR. what-now?

Thanks for your kind words and I'm glad you like the story. I'm just anxious at the moment, this is very new to me.

I'm not sure I'll ever be comfortable with the attention. Still, I'll feel better soon and I'll keep writing.

1889855 He was number 1!

I saw that and went, why does that sound familiar, and it hit me,


I... Did not know that reference. You learn something every day.

1890110 :raritywink: Ya done good, mate, ya done good.

1890223 It is a really old episode of Spongebob, to be fair.

Thanks, man.

Found this blog post a little late, but I figured I'd check what else is doing well in Anthro.

Your story's currently at #2. #1 is Pushing His Buttons. Relevant quote:

“Yeah,” Button said, sitting up. “Gonna try to make somethin’ of myself.”

“Make somethin’? I thought youse already got a pretty good head on those shoulders.”

“Yeah. But for what?” Button Mash smirked, and gave a nod down at his hips. “Video games in my mom’s basement? Yeah, that’s a life.”

And, later:

The kiss wasn’t constant; it was constantly interspersed with small breaths, and gentle giggles. Babs threw her arms around his neck, high; Button rested his hands on her hips, low. Together, they spent a moment like that more, before parting again, their eyes still meeting each other’s.

#3 is Show Stopper. Relevant quote:

“I was never meant to be here, so I couldn’t stay even if I wanted to,” you say, slightly depressed.

“Who says that?”

“Well, I am the only one of my kind here, I’m supposed to go to my own world,” you state.

“Is that what you really want?” She asks in a serious manner.

“I…I’m not sure,” you say, avoiding eye contact.

And, later,

“Were you being completely truthful to me?” You ask, hesitant.

She starts laughing at your question, “Not me, silly,” she suddenly crawls on top of you and presses her nose against yours, “I meant the real me.” She slowly leans and kisses you deeply, forcing her tongue into your mouth for a few seconds before pulling away, a trail of saliva lingering a little.

“I’m here to help relieve your built up tension,” she says with a wink.

#4 is Only Bone Deep. Relevant quote:

I assumed there would be dirt on the other side, but I am surprised to touch nothing but fresh air, actually, there is stone as well. I begin to worry as I feel like I've been buried in cement, but that wouldn't explain the fresh air. A tomb perhaps? I think to myself as I punch out either side of the coffin. My left side stretches out with little difficulty while my right undoubtedly breaks apart. I focus on the left side, kicking and punching my way out. The left wall is destroyed and the lid falls on top of me. I just shirk it off and climb out of the coffin like I would a bed... with a low ceiling.

Free from my resting place, I stretch out, feeling the joints on me pop with excitement at having been used after so long. I turn to look at my home and find that my name, assuming that's what it was has faded over time, corroded away much like the flesh that once must have stuck to my bones.

Conclusion: thoughtful and insightful gets you upvotes. Buckin' hot gets you upvotes. Both at once gets you all the upvotes. (Though I did note that the unedited version of your most recent chapter had fewer spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors than any of the other fics I looked at. I guess technicals only count for so much around here.)

(On an unrelated note, I just read-latered Only Bone Deep. I'm quite curious where the plot's going.)

Cool! Thanks for the praise and I'm glad you found something interesting to read!

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