• Member Since 30th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 8th, 2020

Bucking Nonsense

A Little Nonsense Now And Then Is Relished By The Wisest Men.

More Blog Posts345

  • 204 weeks
    I Came Back To Post One Little Thing, Then I'll Leave Again

    I had mentioned before that a book called The Last Centurion had largely read like an opposite day prophecy about 2020. I thought I'd mention a little factoid about the book, due to recent events. Scroll down for a spoiler.

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  • 209 weeks
    I Deleted My Last Blog Post... Again

    Not over racism this time, but because what should have been a forum for civil discussion about the debate had quickly become extremely uncivil. I stopped it before I had to ban anyone, but I've learned my lesson. I'm going to stop trying to discuss politics on my blog, because it is clear to me now that not even Bronies are capable of civil, rational discussion of politics in 2020, and that

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    26 comments · 1,339 views
  • 211 weeks
    I Want To Get This Off My Chest

    I keep seeing people posting stuff about how "The virus isn't going away, viruses never go away, you guys just need to deal with it".

    Here's some straight truth for you guys.

    And here's a link where I cite my sources about SARS.

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    73 comments · 1,467 views
  • 213 weeks
    I Deleted My Most Recent Blog Post

    Seeing what the discussion in the comments was turning into, I opted to simply delete it over deleting some of the posts I saw on it. While political discussion is one thing, racism is not something I'll stand for. Have a good Labor Day Weekend, everyone.

    12 comments · 683 views
  • 217 weeks
    I've Got A Book I Want To Discuss With You Guys

    Alright. The book in question is called The Last Centurion, By John Ringo. He's actually a sci-fi author whose novels I've read and enjoyed. The Last Centurion isn't so much a sci-fi novel as it is a Twenty Minutes Into The Future Near-Apocalypse Military Campaign tale. The story takes place in a supposed near future where a combination of a mini-ice age and a global pandemic strikes the

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I'm still here! · 3:05am Mar 2nd, 2014

Sorry for the delay in updates, I had some stuff to do. While I'm writing this, I am also writing a quick little one shot I had an idea for today. What is it? I don't want to spoil it, but I think you'll all get a kick out of it. If I don't have it up tonight, I'll have it tomorrow. Ah, I do want to warn you all though, that from march 10th to oh, maybe march 17th, updates will be unlikely to occur: Dark Souls 2 comes out. I already arranged vacation days for that time, so you can guess how much I'm going to get into that game. Anywho, I just wanted to give you all a quick update.

Report Bucking Nonsense · 311 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

I hope just you take and make evrything. That it will be done to the end. I BELIVE IN YOU. :fluttercry:

I will get it all done.:rainbowdetermined2:

1888894 Not done - Completed! I fear you could not end them...:applecry:

Fear not, I shall complete everything. I am in this for the long haul :pinkiehappy:

1889325 Oh Thank Celestia!!! :trollestia: I'm always scared that someone will bore himself in one place and refuses to continue his story. That he cuts it durning writing and never goes back to it. Even if it makes such things more valuble I just fell like depressed when it happens. :pinkiesad2:

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