• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 3rd, 2018


I don't want to give out information here... Because obviously you're all going to use it against me. It's alright, I live in a cardboard box and I move it around a lot, so you'll never be able to.

More Blog Posts65

  • 482 weeks
    This site has not been good to me

    For some reason my computer had a big spat with this site and kept me from getting on it at all for the better part of a month. I honestly don't know what went wrong, but it's fixed now. This is extra annoying to me because I was making a lot of progress on everything and was then forced to stop. I probably could have written it in word or something, but the formatting after that for me has

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    4 comments · 481 views
  • 526 weeks
    So here is a representation of Dash and Jason's route (taken from the chapter A bit of Familiarity)

    I went ahead and made a map with the points of interest marked, so you guys could kinda see how the route looks.

    Where they started, following Market Street to the Eastern Coast of the Peninsula.

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    1 comments · 536 views
  • 557 weeks
    And this blog post indicates that I'm back (or should be, anyway)

    So, those two weeks are over. It's about time. So now I should be able to coast along and write, which will be nice. I don't like keeping you people waiting on these chapters, and while my absence around here for the past two weeks was mostly unavoidable, I still don't like the lack of ideas moving into type form. Hopefully I don't forget stuff or get stuck trying to pick back up on these

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    3 comments · 517 views
  • 562 weeks
    You people deserve a definitive blog post to explain everything schedule related in the coming months.

    So as usual, I haven't had a whole lot of updates going. I can at least call the reason out, and say when things should get better. I have AP testing coming up soon (first week of May), and if you're not in the US you have no idea what they are (because they could be called something else idk), they're basically year-end tests where you attempt to test out of the class for college. Either way,

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    1 comments · 547 views
  • 570 weeks
    It's been quite a while. Also, new story.

    I've not updated my stuff in a long time, and I apologize. It sucks, and I'm a crappy writer in that respect. I don't understand how I got stuff out so quickly when I started.

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    4 comments · 590 views

It's been quite a while. Also, new story. · 11:46pm Feb 18th, 2014

I've not updated my stuff in a long time, and I apologize. It sucks, and I'm a crappy writer in that respect. I don't understand how I got stuff out so quickly when I started.

Hopefully, I'll end up with some time here and there to make progress, and things will continue. The important part is that I'm not dead. So let's see, I'm about halfway through a chapter of EoD, and somewhere the same in what's going to be a short chapter of WoC. Probably you can expect to seen one of those come out soon. I've got to work that around a paper about everyone's favorite psychopathic plus-sized dictator, Kim Jong un. Those last two sentences rhymed.

Now, the new story part of the title is probably making some of you ask yourselves why the fuck I would start something new when I can't even work on the old stuff. Well, I'm not proud of it for several reasons. The first of which is that it's clop. The second of which because it's weird. But fear not.

They had some contest in a group about a clop topic(name withheld), and I kinda stared at the page, taken aback. But then my buddy bet me five dollars that I could make a clop story with realistic characters and a storyline. So I'm going to try, dammit. Don't judge me. My honor as a writer(ha) is at stake, and plus, I've never competed with my writing before. Anyway, the deadline's at the end of next month, and it doesn't have to be completed. I'd like for it to be though.

This won't cut down on the other stories anyway, because it's so different to write for. I usually just write what I feel like, and if I'm all pissed about something and the story is supposed to be happy, it comes out weird. This'll just pick up the extra time, is what I'm trying to say. Polar opposite, in a way.

This is also a good time to thank the people that followed me, all three hundred (and counting) of them. It's been a long slog to this point, but I'm proud to have every single one of you onboard. Thanks again to those that have shaped my stories with their comments and criticism, because things would probably be boring without you. Anyway, I'm glad you all stuck around a goofball writer like me.

Comments ( 4 )

How does it feel knowing you're going to write something people will do unspeakable things while reading?

Also, that is a serious question.

I like to ignore that bit. It's not the point of what I try to write anyway. I think it says in the description of that story something to the extent of: "It's a plot with clop, not clop with a plot." Nothing I write is centered on the clop or whatever that may bring. I can't stand mindless clop, and maybe that's why I try to stick a deeper meaning into these things. With the Winds of Change stuff, it was more about love, and sex just happened to be involved. There was reasoning behind the clop, and it had a hundred thousand words leading up to it, so I was able to put it in as something I could make fit in nicely to further the character development. I don't write clop just to write clop, is what I'm trying to say. There has to be substance somewhere.

So if that answers anything…which it may or may not… To be direct, it's weird. I feel like I'm opening up too much about myself, which isn't actually all that bad since the stuff I write is mostly vanilla (if that term can be used) compared to some of the stuff I've seen on here. I guess I'm glad I'm not writing that other junk, but then again, this five dollar bill doesn't seem as worth it now that you mention it.

So long as no one tells me what they do with my fiction, I can go ahead and believe that they appreciate it as fine art. That's what I'm going to keep telling myself, because that's the least creepy way I can think of it.

1851682 Ah! Fuck! No, ignore what I wrote last! Do your original idea, my question had no implications, I literally just wanted to know what it felt like. Go win that fucking 5$ bill, prove you can do it!

Also, plot with clop, much better, s'all about story.

Sorry, seems like I have this amazing ability to unintentionally fuck with people.

I'm still going to do it, don't worry. You only fucked with me a little bit. I'm kinda glad you asked that question anyway.

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