• Member Since 25th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Tuesday


I enjoy writing, and I hope I can entertain you with my stories.

More Blog Posts45

  • 516 weeks
    Chapter 13 is out!

    That's right people, after far too long, I have finally updated ODaM. So go! Read! And enjooooy! Muahaha!

    In other story-related news, I'm making some progress on the next chapter already. No idea how long it's going to take, but I can only hope that it'll be up faster than this update was. :scootangel:


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  • 517 weeks
    Long overdue writer update

    Hello people, this is Rakni with a writer update for Of Dragons and Mortals.

    Hope you people didn't think I was dead or anything! Though I'd forgive you for thinking that, given the lack of updates and stuff.

    My excuse? Family drama, personal stuff, a brief stint in the hospital, just... lots of stuff at once. It's been a busy and emotional couple of months.

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    25 comments · 575 views
  • 539 weeks
    Writer update

    Rakni here with a writer update on Of Dragons and Mortals.

    Wow, I've been quiet for a while, haven't I? Problem is, I have had a lot of RL stuff to deal with, and I've struggled with motivation to write and all sorts of things. I haven't said anything because there isn't much to say.

    Until now.

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    16 comments · 575 views
  • 545 weeks
    Chapter 12 is out!

    Against all odds, me and my editors managed to get the new chapter out. My IRL troubles haven't gone away or sorted themselves out yet, but sometimes you just want to write. I have a small announcement to make here, but if you'd prefer to get to reading, the information will be provided for you in the author's notes. It's nothing scary.

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    4 comments · 475 views
  • 548 weeks
    Writer update

    Rakni here with a writer update.

    Unfortunately the news are not so good: I'm struggling with some pretty big RL issues at the moment and I can't find much time to write. Combine that with a case of writer's block, and I don't know when the next update is coming.

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Feeling nostalgic · 3:51pm Feb 13th, 2014

I am feeling a bit nostalgic at the moment (hence the title) and since I have an outlet, let me share with you a story about an awesome first impression one of my favorite teachers of all time left on me. ( Any names are changed to protect the identity of those involved, just in case)

First some backstory: It was my first day at a new school and I was taking a cooking/serving class at the small restaurant the school was maintaining for study purposes. That first day, me and the other newcomers were waitering the tables while some older students were manning the kitchen. There was some awkwardness since it was our first time serving, but nothing major happened, and we wrapped up the day no problem.

I was putting away some empty bottles, which involved me walking through the kitchen to get to the waste area, when one of the older students (who was lazying about and not helping clean) decided to chew me out for presumably getting in her way when I had done no such thing. She followed me through the kitchen, yelling at me and chewing me out as I put the bottles away and she only stopped berating me (to continue lazying about the kitchen) when I left the kitchen and walked back into the restaurant proper. I would later learn that this girl, Laura, was a complete and utter bitch to everyone and everything, as though all the worst character traits possible were crammed into one person, but back there on that first day, I admit I was a little shellshocked at being so massively chewed out for literally no reason.

Anyway, I walked back out to find that some more empty bottles had appeared and needed to be put away. Since I had volunteered the first time, the serving instructor came up to me. Now remember, I was shellshocked and angry at the time, so I was more blunt and crude than I normally am. Anyway, the following exchange took place.

Instructor: Hey, Rakni. Could you take these empty bottles out back too?
Me: No thanks, I don't want to run into that f***ing bitch again.
I: Oh. You mean Laura. I'll ask someone else.

Best teacher ever. True story.


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Comments ( 5 )


Do you think by being an unlikable bitch people would still end up liking her ironically?:rainbowkiss:


Not even the teachers, people who are trained to teach everyone and treat them equally, could stand her. Normally the teacher would berate me for my harsh language or at least ask who I was referring to, but in this case she was just "Bitch? Yeah, that's what she is."

"Laura" was really that extremely rare sort of person that is completely unlikable from any angle, even ironically. She was lazy, self-entitled, and perhaps the rudest person I've ever met.

So no, I really can't imagine anyone liking her. Still, that was one of the very best moments I've ever had with a teacher. Cheered me right up, too.

Aha the queen bitch is a hard earned reputation for some...others can attain it quite easily I suppose.

Do you think it came naturally to her, or that she had to work on it?


I honestly don't know. I hope it was a phase and that she has grown out of it. Or, failing that, I hope she's gotten some karmic retribution. I'll probably never know and I'm honestly fine with that.


Aye, tis not for us to know of such things.

Yet we may still find solace in their truth.

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