• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2017

Starlight Shadow

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More Blog Posts246

  • 480 weeks
    I have a tumblr now



    Tell me if you guys have blogs so I can follow you and be even less active.

    1 comments · 485 views
  • 485 weeks
    how long has it been since I wrote a fanfic

    or even touched a fanfic.

    not to say I haven't been writing but rather I've been spending all my time writing about a genderqueer vampire and friends trying to put a stop to the evil plans of two twincestous lovers

    so yeah


    I'll try to get on that soon.

    feel free to give me a prompt or something if you want

    1 comments · 389 views
  • 486 weeks
    Dammit Larson

    The monster the Mane Six are fighting is a panda.

    With a ring on its tail.



    That probably wasn't intentional, but knowing Larson, it probably was.

    Other puns include: someone jumping over a toy shark in the background, and the fact that the entire episode centered around Matilda and Cranky's wedding, aka ass kissing.

    2 comments · 544 views
  • 493 weeks
    So I watched Steven Universe finally




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  • 493 weeks
    For the weebs who follow me (as well as the cartoon fans)

    I present:

    KissManga, for all your manga-reading needs (THEY HAVE ALL THE POKEMON MANGAS)...

    KissAnime, for all your anime-watching needs (THEY HAVE SMILE PRECURE)...

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    2 comments · 410 views

This....this has to be a joke. · 10:22pm Feb 9th, 2014

No, srsly.

For those of you who don't know the story, I joined a group called the Cult Of Luna founded by Patient X (who is an awesome guy) ages back, (a pro Princess Luna group) and these two arsehats FaderRoks and GorefrackAlpha decided to pick on us. Using terrible grammar as they did so. Ah, I remember the manurestorm on Fader's monstrosity he decided to pass off as a fic.....

Anywho, GorefrackAlpha, who's friends with Fader IRL, writes this....this....this terrible Cupcakes spinoff brutally murdering our OCs, who he calls Problem Cape (Patient Care) and Stiffie Shader (Starlight Shadow).

I'm not allowed to link it because it's Not Safe For Woona, but go look up his profile page and read it if you want a laugh.

Princess Luna art and music for the occasion. :trollestia:

Report Starlight Shadow · 181 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

Yeah, I'm just glad that this guy has finally got the retribution that he deserves.

1816110 I was told by him that a moderator finally got in on this and he was forced to apologize to me via a private message. I made a blog post about it, and what's really funny is that he didn't apologize for being an anus like he was told, he only apologized for advertising himself on one of my stories.

1816125 *snort* That's hilarious. Did you respond?

1816136 I didn't say anything on my own story, but I did give him a piece of my mind on his own story...and then Rainbow Dashie 99 and I got into a big discussion about how good bread-rolls are in the comments section of his story, probably filling in Gorefrack's inbox with how good butter is and black women going MMMMMHHMMMM.

Also, many, many people tore him a new asshole on his story, too. :rainbowkiss:

1816149 Oh, yeah, I went through the comments section. He's like Fader on a warhero in ponyville (or whatever it was called); if you don't give him the equivalent of the world's best blowjob on his story, then he gets all up in your face saying "you just don't know what good fan fiction is"

I wish Fader didn't delete that; the comments sure were entertaining.

1816163 It was even entertaining to read, too, because it was so awful and mind-numbing.

Ah really don't know why people feel the need ta do things like that... that's just sad:ajbemused:

Seriously? He wrote a fic were you and Patient X are tortured and killed? I was getting revolted until I read it. Then, my expression went blank after I finished the last chapter. I don't know what I think of him. DAT grammar... I hope that you didn't lost your mind when you saw it. If he didn't notice, he burned his reputation down, if he had one. So, yeah. My thoughts of Fimfiction being a place of mature people just got blown off the window. Douchbags...

1816336 My pool of classy followers are the mature ones. Apparently a mod actually got involved and forced him to apologize to Patient (he picked on him a lot more than he did me), and the funny thing is he didn't apologize for being an anus; he apologized for advertising it on one of Patient's stories.

1816348 I won't even get down on the details about how shitty his fic is. I've written torture before. And read too. What he wrote wasn't torture nor a gory fic. It was... some words put together to damage your brain. This was moral offense. I've seen how many hate he got too. Satisfying...

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