Today Is A Weird Day · 5:57pm Feb 8th, 2014
I had to go to school for three and a half hours because of the snowpocalypse the week before last. Dunno why they made us go at all if it's just three and a half hours but okay.
At 4:30 my time I'm off to a hockey game with my family. I've never had any interest in hockey and the stadium is bound to be loud, goody confounding gumdrops but I have to go anyway.
And we're having dinner for lunch and basically not having dinner at all when we get back because it's going to be late.
Kill me now.
^If you tell me that doesn't look epic you lie.
Hockey's fun! Trust me!
Ahhh ah feel yer pain, ah'm forced quite a bit ta do and go places with my family where ah could honestly care less about what's goin on, but Hockey can be fun. just do what ah do and wait Intel someone throws down, its awesome!
and ah know that to, they just stuff you at lunch and expect that ta be enough for you tell tomorrow... there always wrong on that one
Anywho, try ta make the best of it