60 fabulous followers! · 10:32pm Feb 7th, 2014
I just.....
Wow, guys. Wow.
When I first joined this site, I didn't think I'd get any followers. I just wanted to write some poni, and read some poni, and talk about poni with other people who like poni.
What I did NOT think, was that I would have 60 fabulous guys and gals reading my daft blogs (which I've only just started to post, mind) and even more daft stories. Heck, Confessions From a Lunaholic wasn't even a serious fiction, and it has over 60 likes!
We've seen ups, we've seen downs, but in the end you all come out on top as some of the best followers- and friends -a girl could have. You. Are all. Awesome.
Aww, seeing this just warms my cold, black heart
How can you be surprised? You have interesting ideas.