Hooves Holding Hearts contest · 9:17pm Feb 6th, 2014
So, working on the next chapter. No one reading the last one got the hints about the new kid, who is the story's main kid. I'll give these out, and the first person (and maybe a few others) who get it right will earn a small OC cameo in HHH.
Now, the kid's an OC...but the mother is not.
Here are the first few hints.
1) Heartmend said that the "mother is not cognizant, incapable of care and unlikely to change."
2) I got the idea for this blog post listening to a song about her.
Any guesses?
Incapable of care as in unable to take care of them, or just doesn't love them?
The first thing that comes to mind is Berry Punch...
Screw Loose.
EDIT: I might have had an actual shot at this, but I am woefully uneducated in brony music.
Incapable of care in these cases means that the parent cannot provide care, whether or not they are willing to.
The funny things is that you're sitting in the same room as I, can't hear the song, and wouldn't recognize it if you could.
Is the unlikely to change thing is sort of a pun it could be Chrysalis.
Screw Loose? (btw, according to the mlp wikia, her official name is now Screwy. I liked Screw Loose better).
yeah well, being severely hard of hearing will do that. lol
Where did they get that one from? Is she getting a figure or something?
I'm gonna say Trixie.
I hesitate to say this, but Derpy/Ditzy? Usually she's portrayed as a good mother, but I could see how she could fit the criteria since cognizant can be interpreted as 'not all there' and since there are a lot of songs about her in the fandom that you may have heard.
I think they got it from the card:
This story is in the Dazeverse, where Ditzy actaully a mechanical genius and is married to one "John Smith" and has two children: Dinky, whose father died in an "accident" and no one mourns him AT ALL, and Sparkler, adopted after the fiasco in Pompeii. It's not gonna be her.
1803437 Ah, I thought this story was separate from the other stories; well, I'm glad I'm wrong then (never thought I'd say that).
I want to say berry punch seeing as she is always portraid as a heavy drinker
I think it would be either.
1 - Berry Punch's daughter or
2 - Screw Ball
...I know I repeated what everyone above said, but it seems most likely that it's either of these two
I don't think Punch is that messed up in the Dazeverse. It's a colt anyway.
Screwball is already Cheery's adopted daughter.
To be honest, without knowing what he is listening to, I just don't have any idea. MLP has a very large mare population.
Until I get a flash on insight, I am sticking with Screw Loose as the mom.
This feels important.
You know, what if it is Trixie...
I don't think she has made an appearance yet...
I was gonna say screw loose, but everyone beat me to it. Is there bonus points for guessing the song?
This is of course, assuming "cognizant" means "sane" and not simply "conscious", in which case it would be a contest of "what minor character do we wish was in the hospital?" Lightning Dust?
Hmm. The first choice would obviously be Chrissy.
but I can think of at least a few others that it might be. It could be Upper Crust, Gilda or maybe Fleetfoot. Those are the only ones that I can think of at the moment that might fit that criteria.
1803722 Remember the kid is an earth pony. As far as we know...
1803770 And two Earth Ponies can give birth to a unicorn. So that really only rules out Gilda. Although, to be honest, I am hoping for Upper Crust.
1803786 I don't see how Upper Crust would become either insane or unconscious though. Now pegasi with Lightning Dust's reckless behavior, on the other hand, is bound to experience head trauma. Fleetfoot is definitely a possibility, in the case that maybe she and Soarin' had a thing, and then Soarin'... y'know...
To everyone, Berry Punch is out, first because she's been mentioned by Cheerilee in the Dazeverse as being a wonderful, nonalcoholic mother, because that's Lyra's job. Second, because the foal is a colt, and an OC at that, so Berry Pinch isn't even in the running.
Sunset Shimmer.
(Would you trust her with a kid?)
Or, if you planned it more recently, the Mane-iac.
(I might trust her with a kid, though. She's got lots of minions to help her raise a foal.)
Did I actually write Berry Punch in somewhere? I'm having a Charles Dickens moment.
Screw Loose would seem most obvious, but of course we know she recovered already in the show (Just for Sidekicks). Which means it should be somepony else if you don't have a cut-off date before that episode.
Hmm... I just don't know. This is really out there, and I can't imagine it being right, but if its not Berry or Screw Loose I wouldn't know... So... Mane-iac. EDIT: Oh, someone already suggested that as well. Well then... Ehm... I don't know :P
1803937 Yes, yes I would. Put the fear of Satan in the little hellions...
1803977 Maybe it was another fic I was thinking of. Sorry.
Give us another hiiiiint! We don't have enough to go off of!
Why, exactly am I trying so hard?I don't HAVE an OC. xD
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the mare who thinks she's a dog. From Read it and Weep.
Me too, but I think it is Screw Loose?
I'm stumped beyond what some of the others have stated.
1806132 1806025
Screw Loose has been the favorite so far. Which only makes me think that it must be wrong because it's too obvious.
Yes, but I can't think of anybody else...
Me neither.
1806504 right. I got her confused with Screwball and thought I was being original ....
Won't be Screwball though. This is Dazeverse, and she has been shown as QUITE a capable individual, and Cheerilee is her adopted mom besides. There would be no reason any child she had would need to go to foster care.
- Ch.4
Just in case you needed to find that!
My guess for the kid would be Daring Do/A.K. Yearling, because why not?
1806913 exactly. I reread "Daze" and remembered exactly why that wasn't a thing. So I'm back to square one, thinking more along the lines of No Friggin' Clue.
It's times like this I wish I listened to more Brony songs...
Random guess... Goldie Delicious.
Has anyone guessed Chrysalis yet? Because that's my final answer.
The only pony I can think that fits that description is Screw Loose
I almost feel like it is Sunset Shimmer.
Yeah, okay. My guess is Sunset Shimmer.
…Golden Harvest/Carrot Top? I don't know. I don't recall seeing her in the Dazeverse yet, this seems kind of trippy, no one else seems to have guessed her yet and, Screwloose is just too obvious. It's pretty much a stab in the dark, but I couldn't find the data to do better. [shrugs]
Has anyone guessed this correctly yet? I can't imagine its Sunset myself, we don't really know how young she was when she left Celestia's dimension, but I'd wager too young to have a foal. Besides, the whole not cognizant thing...
For as far as we know, maybe the mother in question is actually fine in the show, its just that for this story she is "not cognizant."
Really, my question is - is the mother a background pony with very little screen time and some kind of fanon surrounding her that might make this a better hint or is she a known pony? Or is she a background pony with no fanon - making her not an 'OC' but her characteristics purely speculation and head canon?