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Bucking Nonsense

A Little Nonsense Now And Then Is Relished By The Wisest Men.

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A Reboot? · 5:42am Feb 2nd, 2014

I admit, I have given it some consideration. I mean, this is my first 'verse, and in many ways, it's gone very, very well. But in others, not so much. I went at this project, at the beginning of this month, full speed with no brakes, no hesitation, and with no actual plan. I admit, I have been playing this all by ear up until now, and it has, bizarrely enough, gone pretty well. But I'm worried I can't keep this up. This was supposed to be a one shot, one chapter story, but fan demand has caused it to expand, and then explode into a whole universe... one that I can't manage as well as I might have thought. This is running the risk of becoming a Kudzu Plot, and I definitely don't want that. I want to create a story that, when resolved, has all the questions answered, and leaves you all satisfied. For all your love and support, you deserve nothing less. I'm giving serious thought to rebooting the series, and making it about just five changelings in Equestria: Mole Cricket, Ling, Ladybird, Flower Mantis, and Elle. But I'm worried about alienating you all, my fans. It's been a wild month, and I wouldn't have gotten this far without your constant support. And because of that support, I want to make certain that I give you all the best story I can. So... I have to ask you all: would you mind if I rebooted this mess before it reaches critical mass, with the intent of creating something that is intended to be a larger and more well-planned series from the get-go?

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Comments ( 18 )

Personally, I like what you're been doing so far and haven't had much issue with it. However, a little restructuring and planning certainly never hurt anypony and may very well be better in the long run. So go for it, I say!

I... thank you. That means a lot to me :pinkiesmile:.

In the end it comes down to whatever you feel is the best option. in just under a month you have created a verse that i find enrapturing. Every time i see an update from your story I SQUEE a little. Thats the first time I ever used that word to describe myself, don't spread it around.
I love your pacing, I mean, I loved detailed stories but some of the stories i subscribe to have so much description in them and move so slow i skip paragraphs to skip to the qoutation marks.
Just do whatever feels the best man, if you can do this well winging it I'll trust your judgement either way.

Really, I think you've been doing well enough going "full steam ahead"; amazing even. There's nothing -that I've seen- to warrant a reboot yet, and if you maybe slow down a little, take stock of where you are and where you want to end, and plan things out a bit (but not so much that you strangle yourself that way) there shouldn't be much of a reason you can't make it all work out great as-is.

I'm curious what about this you specifically feel you're going to have trouble with. Maybe there's a way to fix it that you just didn't notice.

As a reader, I'm enjoying it and I'm always wary of reboots. There's just so much potential to lose some aspect of what I liked and I don't really feel like re-reading it so soon after my first time.

I'm very satisfied, in a way, regarding how my verse has formed, and I plan on keeping as much of it intact as I can. I think that part of my difficulty is that my Cricket-verse is... well, it's the Cricket-verse. It shouldn't be centered all around one character. Since everyone likes the characters I've added since (everyone loves Ling and Ladybird, for example, and Flower and Elle have been pretty popular too), instead of making it a story centered around Cricket, I should let all five share the spotlight in equal measure.

I don’t think necessarily that a reboot is necessary. However, I admit first and foremost that I’m curious about these other changelings and how they fit into the overall scheme of things. I’m especially curious about Ling, since it seems like she’s had a really hard life compared to the others.

So far, the method has been working well. You have found a good formula, is what I mean, and you shouldn’t mess with a formula unless you have to.

If you have a distinct story to tell in mind a full or partial reboot may be required... but I would keep the old stuff up and when ever you get a idea that is great but doesn't fit you have a place for it. I must say your way of the pony is probably the most true to mlp thing I have seen to date :twilightsmile: and its that freedom of creativity that can allow that. In short do what you need to in order to tell the story's you want to but I would advise not limiting your self ether.

I'm definitely going to keep the old stuff up, but there are a few things I do want to do a rewrite on. I'm sorry to say that a good bit of this stuff has gotten a little messy, and I rushed through a lot of stuff I shouldn't have. I mean, it all turned out well, but I feel, no, I know I can do better. More show, less tell, more details where relevant, and giving some of the parts of the story a chance to flow more naturally.

I think a reboot would be a great idea. In particular you wrote an "interquel" for your first story that would have been much better off if they were stitched together into a larger, more cohesive narrative. On the other hand, you are producing stuff that's fun to read right off the bat. If nothing else I would suggest at least jamming Fangs and Royal together into one story even if you aren't going to fill it in any more than that. Aside from that suggestion though, just go with what your gut says on this one I think.

I'm a good few stories behind,but I enjoy what you've written and see no need for a reboot.

I mean, do what you want, but I don't see the gain being worth changing the stories I already know I like.

Really depends on how your planning the reboot, I think for most of us here, we generally like the story lines you have established for certain characters,(Ladybird, Ling and the Mole Man himself).

Personally, if you keep in mind their roots and the qualities we all fell in love with, a reboot could be quite nice. Just my two cents.

I'm curious as to which parts of the story you feel the need to drop. The queen's arrow? The lineage of changelings? The way Chrysalis acted? Or do you need to add some things that would clash with what's established?
All in all, it is your story and if you feel the need to reboot to advance then it's best to do so, especially if you are not comfortable with the state of it.
Then about the characters, will you make 5 separate stories that inter-cross at some points, each centered around one of the changelings, maybe unifying them at the end? It's what MerlossTheMad is doing and I like that format. I don't know about the idea of having a rotation of one chapter each for example, it starts to get confusing personally. And then you have the choice to follow the characters you like best.
Whatever you choose, I'll try it, and from what I saw I'll probably like it.

I love this verse and i want nothing but the best for it so do what you have to do so to remain as the best verse out there. :twilightsmile: And also... Thank you.

I love the idea of a reboot. I think you are able to do a great job with it. Dragging out scenes and making big impressions can really flesh out this story and universe. I especially like the relationship between Flutters and Cricket.

I can see why you would want to reboot the story(ies), but, and I'm sure you already know this, you shouldn't confuse longer and thought out with 'epic.'

As I think about this more though, that seems to be the very reason you are thinking of rebooting, so that you don't get caught in any tangents you never intended to get caught on. I was willing to reread everything you wrote if you rebooted from the top of this post, and you better believe that I'm even more willing to keep reading what you write now.

Bottom line, I believe I can safely speak for most of us, your readers, when I say: reboot or no reboot, we're behind you all the way. :ajsmug:

(Sorry if this seems disjointed, I had a longer draft of this post that ultimately felt out of place. :twilightblush: )

For a final decision, I certainly defer to the creative mind behind these tales, as you've done a fantastic job of winging it. That said I am curious as to how things would play out when you've had a chance to really look over everything and bring it into even greater focus.

With very few exceptions I've found that when someone can do something on the fly and have it look as good as this 'verse does, then when they take a little time and plan and all? Words tend to fail at expressing the improvement.

A full reboot, a universe Scratch, is a large commitment, but if you feel confident in it all, I believe your fans will gladly follow along. The only loss is of what has happened so far in its current state, and for my part if I were doing something similar, I would likely keep the old material around for those who might want to see the alpha Cricketverse.

's just me, though, I'm a sucker for director's cuts. :raritywink:

no nein neyt le ochi voch xeyr he wu nijak nej geen neniu ei aucun nicht nincs dim akukho aon nulla nu

no reboot please it is great as is and I must reiterate because I feel very strongly about this no nein neyt le ochi voch xeyr he wu nijak nej geen neniu ei aucun nicht nincs dim akukho aon nulla nu

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